English Catholic
Thanks to @parangutirimicuaro for posting this. Why not be inspired and arrange this action in your own district/country.
Are there 1000 Irish Catholic men who would do this? Decrevi Determined to be Catholic @thecatholicmanMore
Are there 1000 Irish Catholic men who would do this?
Decrevi Determined to be Catholic @thecatholicman
chris griffin
Would 1,000 men ever get together to save mothers and baby's from murder by abortion?
DISAPPOINTING UPDATE: "“We will never surrender powers to the World Health Organisation” – In the Telegraph, Esther McVey claims “no one is going to tell us how to take care of our citizens, or force …More
DISAPPOINTING UPDATE: "“We will never surrender powers to the World Health Organisation” – In the Telegraph, Esther McVey claims “no one is going to tell us how to take care of our citizens, or force us to impose any particular national response in future crises”, yet pledges support for the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments. Has she read them? News Round-Up – The Daily Sceptic Please email Esther McVey and find out her real stance, while warning her of the dangers of the Pandemic Treaty: esther.mcvey.mp@parliament.uk

UK Will Never Surrender Powers to WHO, Says Minister

Esther McVey made the remarks ahead of governments preparing to vote on the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health …
English Catholic
DISAPPOINTING UPDATE: From the Daily Sceptic: "“We will never surrender powers to the World Health Organisation” – In the Telegraph, Esther McVeyMore
DISAPPOINTING UPDATE: From the Daily Sceptic: "“We will never surrender powers to the World Health Organisation” – In the Telegraph, Esther McVey claims “no one is going to tell us how to take care of our citizens, or force us to impose any particular national response in future crises”, yet pledges support for the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments. Has she read them? News Round-Up – The Daily Sceptic Please email Esther McVey and find out her exact stance, and warn her of the dangers of this Pandemic Treaty esther.mcvey.mp@parliament.uk
English Catholic
@Wilma Lopez There is a petition within the preventgenocide2030.org/tedros site. Click on 'Your Country', then click on the name of your country, and …More
@Wilma Lopez There is a petition within the preventgenocide2030.org/tedros site. Click on 'Your Country', then click on the name of your country, and a petition comes up. Please pass this info on.
2 more comments

Lettre ouverte au directeur général de l'OMS ... Open letter to the Director General of WHO

To the World Health Organization H.E. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Office of the Director General Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva - Switzerland Subject: Open letter on violating a procedural obligation …More
To the
World Health Organization
H.E. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Office of the Director General
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva - Switzerland
Open letter on violating a procedural obligation in the amendment process of the International Health Regulations (2005) by the WGIHR Salzburg, 6th of March 2024
Dear Dr. Tedros, our Agency devotes its work to institutional transparency and responsibility in global health and is highly concerned about the intention of the ‘Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations’ (WGIHR) to submit a draft resolution on the final package of the amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) only at the very start of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA). To be lawful, any procedures to amend the IHR have to be carried out in accordance with legal requirements set out in the IHR itself as the applicable lex specialis regime. The relevant Art. 55 para. 2 IHR reads as follows: “The text of any proposed amendment shall …More
English Catholic
@en.news Please pick up on this - this is urgent
Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Medjugorje spin-off Marian apparitions ‘not supernatural’ (constat de non supernaturalitate) ' the non-supernaturality has been proven.' Madonna of Trevignano, definitive …More
Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Medjugorje spin-off Marian apparitions ‘not supernatural’ (constat de non supernaturalitate) ' the non-supernaturality has been proven.' Madonna of Trevignano, definitive verdict of the bishop on the apparitions: “Nothing supernatural” and Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Marian apparitions 'not supernatural' - Catholic Review

Bishop near Rome decrees alleged Marian apparitions 'not supernatural' - Catholic Review

Since 2016, Gisella Cardia has claimed to be seeing visions of the Virgin Mary in the central Italian town of …
English Catholic
@Kunst und die schönen Dinge Yes it does. Cardia started her fraud immediately after a visit to Medjugorje. She also uses a statue from Medjugorje (the …More
@Kunst und die schönen Dinge Yes it does. Cardia started her fraud immediately after a visit to Medjugorje. She also uses a statue from Medjugorje (the Tihaljina statue) for her performances.
Kunst und die schönen Dinge
It has nothing to do with Medjugorje, does it? But they are both false anyway.
“To change Portugal, I decided to go into the realm of political incorrectness”: An Interview with André Ventura. UPDATE: Huge win for far-right in Portugal after nail-biting election 'to change …More
“To change Portugal, I decided to go into the realm of political incorrectness”: An Interview with André Ventura.
UPDATE: Huge win for far-right in Portugal after nail-biting election 'to change Europe'

“To change Portugal, I decided to go into the realm of political incorrectness”: An Interview with …

André Ventura is the president of CHEGA, the third largest political party in Portugal. In polls …
Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa of Balasar, Portugal (1904 – 1955), Feast Day - October 13th - one of the great mystics of modern times, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2004. A ‘victim soul'…More
Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa of Balasar, Portugal (1904 – 1955), Feast Day - October 13th - one of the great mystics of modern times, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2004. A ‘victim soul', chosen by Christ to suffer in atonement for the sins of humanity, she was bedridden for life from the age of twenty after sustaining injuries while escaping from an attacker. She mystically underwent the Passion of Christ on Fridays and her sufferings helped to shorten World War II. Her astounding life has many connections to the events of Fatima and she is known in Portugal as ‘ the fourth seer of Fatima '. She urged all to “ Do penance, sin no more, pray the Rosary, receive the Eucharist ”. For the last thirteen years of her life she miraculously lived on the Holy Eucharist alone, a medically confirmed fact. She has been proposed by the Church as “ a model of purity and perseverance in the Faith for today's youth ”.

Bl Alexandrina: A Living Miracle (Bklt) #B3258 | newhopeproject2

Full title: Blessed Alexandrina: A Living Miracle of the Eucharist. By Kevin Rowles. This Portuguese blessed, who lived from 1904-1955, …


GOOD FRIDAY (APRIL 16) 1954 “Upon initiating the usual sufferings, about the hour of 1:00 p.m., Jesus appeared to me, covered with wounds and bleeding, saying to me: ‘Behold my child, see to what ends …More
“Upon initiating the usual sufferings, about the hour of 1:00 p.m., Jesus appeared to me, covered with wounds and bleeding, saying to me:
‘Behold my child, see to what ends the sins of man have reduced me. The world has lowered itself in overflowing corruption. The governments of the people have risen like demons incarnated, and, while they speak of peace they prepare for war with the most devastating implements to destroy peoples and nations. Men have become ungrateful to My Sacred Heart, and abusing My Mercy, have transformed the earth into a scene of crime’.
‘Numerous scandals are bringing souls to ruin particularly through the corruption of youth. Stirred up, and unrestrained in the enjoyment of the pleasures of the world, they have degraded their spirit in corruption and sin. The bad example of parents trains the family in scandal and infidelity, instead of virtue and prayer, which is almost dead on the lips of many. Stained and withered is the fountain …More
Great! Let's pray that Trump wins and is protected from his enemies, and from the evil WEF. There are already plans to overthrow any Trump presidency should he win: "NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot …More
Great! Let's pray that Trump wins and is protected from his enemies, and from the evil WEF. There are already plans to overthrow any Trump presidency should he win: "NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected" NBC News Reports 'Deep State' Plot to Facilitate a 'Military Coup' Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged 'Retribution' if Re-Elected | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Atheist homosexual WEF adviser fears a Trump reelection will land ‘death blow’ to ‘global order’ -…

Mon Jan 15, 2024 - 10:21 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) — A highly influential figure with Klaus Schwab and …
English Catholic shares from English Catholic
For those who still try to link Padre Pio with Garabandal. A refutation from Fr Joseph Pius (RIP) and also the National Center for Padre Pio.
Proof that Padre Pio did not approve Garabandal or prophecy the 'Three Days of Darkness'. Editor of Catholic Truth Scotland, Patricia McKeever, wrote to The National Centre for Padre Pio, about these …More
Proof that Padre Pio did not approve Garabandal or prophecy the 'Three Days of Darkness'. Editor of Catholic Truth Scotland, Patricia McKeever, wrote to The National Centre for Padre Pio, about these issues. The reply from the National Centre is below, and the attachments which are referred to in the reply are above.
I have now received a (wonderful) reply from the National Centre for Padre Pio, with attachments to disprove, categorically, that Padre Pio EVER (or would ever) speak out of harmony with the Church.
Reply from the National Centre for Padre Pio…
Hello Patricia,
Thank you for your inquiry. Your conundrum has quite a simple solution. There are volumes of letters written by Padre Pio, published officially by his friary in Italy, as well as a monthly magazine (The Voice of Padre Pio Magazine) that uses writings and teachings of Padre Pio in its content. The easiest thing for you to do would be to read the letters and/or subscribe to the magazine, both of which can be done …More
English Catholic
Fr Joseph Pius was a confrere of St Padre Pio, living at the same time. The J.P. on the Padre Pio magazine excerpts above are his writings. DEFINITIVE …More
Fr Joseph Pius was a confrere of St Padre Pio, living at the same time. The J.P. on the Padre Pio magazine excerpts above are his writings.
English Catholic shares from en.news
According to a recent report, from early September 2023, Fr Balzanella will be Assistant Priest at Our Lady of the Rosary, Marylebone, in addition to Assistant Priest at St John’s Wood.

Welcome: Gay Propagandist Becomes Priest

When he was a seminarian, Alexander Balzanella supported the homosexual vice on social media, including prides marches, queer events, gay nightclubs and homosexual pseudo-marriage. On September 19, he …More
When he was a seminarian, Alexander Balzanella supported the homosexual vice on social media, including prides marches, queer events, gay nightclubs and homosexual pseudo-marriage.
On September 19, he was ordained a priest in Westminster Cathedral, London. CatholicTruthBlog.com reported since November 2018 about Balzarella's pro-gay engagement without publishing his name. It informed all responsible, but never received a reply.
Only in July 2020, CatholicTruthBlog.com revealed Balzanella's name. “Of course, homosexual priests, or those who support ‘gay culture’ are no longer making headline news anywhere, apparently welcomed as such by hierarchy and laity alike,” the blog wrote.
Westminster Cardinal Vincent Nichols is a supporter of the homosexual vice. He showed this through the promotion of the gay-propaganda “Soho Masses.”
Picture: Alexander Balzanella, © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsAmidyjkjux
The cardinal welcomes this filth of a man into the priesthood. In the past, the homo's had to pretend they were hetero in order to be ordained but now …More
The cardinal welcomes this filth of a man into the priesthood. In the past, the homo's had to pretend they were hetero in order to be ordained but now they feel no need to hide their perversion. If only they knew what awaited them
Patricia McKeever
@Martin Blackshaw Well said - there really will be a fierce judgment awaiting those within the Church who are engaging in, tolerating or promoting …More
@Martin Blackshaw
Well said - there really will be a fierce judgment awaiting those within the Church who are engaging in, tolerating or promoting homosexuality in the priesthood. No question about it.
4 more comments
English Catholic shares from en.news

Mosebach: Francis' Tyranny Can No Longer Be Enforced

A pope must defend the Church's two-thousand-year-old tradition against the respective present, but Francis refuses; for him orthodoxy is a burden, not a tried and tested guarantee of the Church's …More
A pope must defend the Church's two-thousand-year-old tradition against the respective present, but Francis refuses; for him orthodoxy is a burden, not a tried and tested guarantee of the Church's survival, German writer Martin Mosebach told Nzz.ch (20 July). He noticed that Francis had given the bishops the right to ban the Mass, but not to allow it. In doing so, Francis had curtailed the bishops' decision-making power: "But his dictatus papae comes too late, because the spirit of tradition can no longer be put back into the bottle. The tradition has grown so much under Benedict XVI that he can no longer enforce its prohibition."
English Catholic shares from en.news
An excellent letter

Seifert: Francis' Monstrosities Destroy Faith And Morals

Francis is destroying the foundations of faith and morals, writes Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert, who currently teaches at Munich University, in an Open Letter to the Cardinals sent on 2 May (English …More
Francis is destroying the foundations of faith and morals, writes Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert, who currently teaches at Munich University, in an Open Letter to the Cardinals sent on 2 May (English text below).
Seifert does not understand how all the cardinals except the Dubia cardinals simply remain silent on the problem of Francis. Seifert's examples:
- his assertion that God positively wills the diversity of religions (Abu Dhabi Declaration);
- his support of homosex concubinates;
- his denial of the existence of acts that are always and everywhere evil, e.g. adultery (Amoris Laetitia);
- his false teaching on the death penalty (CCC);
- his claim that hell is empty;
- his claim that the souls of mortal sinners are "destroyed" after death (also claimed by Jehovah's Witnesses). "As far as I know, there has never been a pope in Church history who has claimed similar monstrosities," Seifert explains. He would expect that all cardinals would write to Francis like one man and demand …More
English Catholic shares from en.news

Diocesan Bishop: UN Works toward World Dictatorship

The UN's Agenda 2030 - called the "Sustainable Development Goals" - is “a trap”, writes Santander Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge, Spain, on ElDiarioMontanes.es (April 15). Behind laudable goals such as …More
The UN's Agenda 2030 - called the "Sustainable Development Goals" - is “a trap”, writes Santander Bishop Manuel Sánchez Monge, Spain, on ElDiarioMontanes.es (April 15).
Behind laudable goals such as "protecting nature", "eradicating poverty and hunger", "water for all", the agenda hides an attempt to corrupt civilisation and introduce a world disorder "that will change the beliefs of individuals" and establish "an unelected and undemocratic world government", Sánchez analyses.
The agenda presents the family and religion as "problems" and "elements of conflict", not as solutions. It promotes murderous abortion and encourages the massive use of contraceptives. The intention is to establish a regime "that excludes many institutions, especially those with a Christian foundation.”
All power should be given to the United Nations - which is dominated by the United States - "and everything will be fine,” the agenda claims.
Picture: Manuel Sánchez Monge, #newsDvrwxvgihj
English Catholic
This is a bishop who is bravely taking on the UN. He is also the same bishop who said this about the 'alleged apparitions' at Garabandal: Spanish Bishop …More
This is a bishop who is bravely taking on the UN. He is also the same bishop who said this about the 'alleged apparitions' at Garabandal: Spanish Bishop Makes Statement on Alleged Apparitions at Garabandal Join the dots up.
Hound of Heaven
I certainly shall. I did not wish to imply any lack of esteem for a 'lighted candle' in 'the cursed dark'. We need more such 'tapers'.
2 more comments
English Catholic shares from parangutirimicuaro
No wonder comments to Mark Miravalle's ravings are turned off. @parangutirimicuaro must be totally deluded to want to post them. Read Marco Corvaglia's website "The Medjugorje Illusion" The Medjugorje …More
No wonder comments to Mark Miravalle's ravings are turned off. @parangutirimicuaro must be totally deluded to want to post them. Read Marco Corvaglia's website "The Medjugorje Illusion" The Medjugorje Illusion | Medjugorje Debunked - especially the ‘Facts and Documents’ section is very illuminating, and gives evidence of the wealth and scandalous behaviour of some of the alleged seers. The site also questions the so-called ‘Ruini Commission’, which can’t seem to make up its mind whether the alleged apparition is genuine or not – to paraphrase: “the first several apparitions, possibly are genuine, but need further investigation, but there is much doubt over the subsequent apparitions, and the testimony of Ivan is unreliable”. That seems to be general outcome so far. I think they’re afraid of schism, because it has such a massive following. Who wants to listen to Miravalle's Medjugorje opinions and those of Our Lady of All Nations (condemned by the Church Local Bishop and Vatican …More
Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle - Medjugorje Message, March 25, 2023: WHY SO SHORT? Why was the recent Medjugorje message the shortest in 40 years? Why did she NOT typically end her message with "…More
Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle - Medjugorje Message, March 25, 2023: WHY SO SHORT?
Why was the recent Medjugorje message the shortest in 40 years? Why did she NOT typically end her message with "Thank you for having responded to my call?" Join Dr. Mark Miravalle for possible answers and a "Medjugorje examination of conscience."
English Catholic
No wonder comments to Mark Miravalle's ravings are turned off. @parangutirimicuaro must be totally deluded to want to post them. Read Marco Corvaglia's …More
No wonder comments to Mark Miravalle's ravings are turned off. @parangutirimicuaro must be totally deluded to want to post them. Read Marco Corvaglia's website "The Medjugorje Illusion" The Medjugorje Illusion | Medjugorje Debunked - especially the ‘Facts and Documents’ section is very illuminating, and gives evidence of the wealth and scandalous behaviour of some of the alleged seers. The site also questions the so-called ‘Ruini Commission’, which can’t seem to make up its mind whether the alleged apparition is genuine or not – to paraphrase: “the first several apparitions, possibly are genuine, but need further investigation, but there is much doubt over the subsequent apparitions, and the testimony of Ivan is unreliable”. That seems to be general outcome so far. I think they’re afraid of schism, because it has such a massive following. Who wants to listen to Miravalle's Medjugorje opinions and those of Our Lady of All Nations (condemned by the Church Local Bishop and Vatican …More
English Catholic shares from De Profundis
Well said.
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts drops truth bombs: "Billionaire, globalist corporations will own everything: Homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need …More
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts drops truth bombs: "Billionaire, globalist corporations will own everything: Homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need - if their social credit score allows."
Excellent video - please watch
BILL GATES: THE BANNED VIDEO - This revealing documentary was removed from the internet, nowhere to be found. Censorship seemed to have destroyed it entirely, until it suddenly resurfaced in 2021 - …More
BILL GATES: THE BANNED VIDEO - This revealing documentary was removed from the internet, nowhere to be found. Censorship seemed to have destroyed it entirely, until it suddenly resurfaced in 2021 - Sources: Bill Gates - The Banned Video - How Bill Gates singlehandedly rules the entire world… - ABOUT BILL GATES (most of the videos are in English with Spanish subtitles): 1. “Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra” - Bill Gates: "Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra"
2. “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial” - Bill Gates: “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial”
3. Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind - Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind
4. Bill Gates controla nuestra salud y alimentación - Bill Gates controla nuestra salud y ahora va a por nuestra alimentación
5. La OMS y su director son marionetas de Bill Gates - La OMS y su director son marionetas de Bill Gates …More
Miles - Christi - English
ABOUT BILL GATES (most of the videos are in English with Spanish subtitles): 1. “Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra” - …More
ABOUT BILL GATES (most of the videos are in English with Spanish subtitles): 1. “Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra” - Bill Gates: "Prepárense para la siguiente pandemia como si fuera una guerra"
2. “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial” - Bill Gates: “La normalidad solo volverá cuando hayamos vacunado a toda la población mundial”
3. Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind - Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind - Bill Gates, enemigo del género humano - Miles Christi - 01/10/2020
4. Bill Gates controla nuestra salud y alimentación - Bill Gates controla nuestra salud y ahora va a por nuestra alimentación
5. La OMS y su director son marionetas de Bill Gates - La OMS y su director son marionetas de Bill Gates - La salud de la población mundial está manejada p…
6. Bill Gates se burla de nosotros - Bill Gates se burla de nosotros
7. “The Bill Gates Puppet SHOT” - The Bill Gates Puppet Shot - Subtitulado en castellano - Fuente: youtube.com …More