chris griffin
New Catholic Catechism (Credo) mentions many issues EXCEPT ABORTION
· "Including treatments of several contemporary issues:
· personal technology,
· science and evolution,
· just war, death penalty,
· gender ideology, modesty,
· vaccines, health mandates,
· world religions, true prayer,
· faithful parenting, schooling,
· religious liberty, free …More
New Catholic Catechism (Credo) mentions many issues EXCEPT ABORTION

· "Including treatments of several contemporary issues:
· personal technology,
· science and evolution,
· just war, death penalty,
· gender ideology, modesty,
· vaccines, health mandates,
· world religions, true prayer,
· faithful parenting, schooling,
· religious liberty, free speech,
· female clergy, Church scandal,
· infallibility, magisterium, error,
· pornography, sex education,
· Sunday work, right worship,
· Communism, Freemasonry,
· globalism, transhumanism,
· charismatic movement,
· marijuana, drug use,
· authentic renewal,
· and more!"

Over 1 billion abortions in the last 100 years and 2,200 babies aborted every day around the world and BISHOP ATHANASIUS SCHNEIDER could not care less!


Compendium of the Catholic Faith Buy Together With The most up-to-date “catechism” in print! For the first time in over fifty years, a Catholic bishop has published his own comprehensive presentation …
Denis Efimov
Bishop Schneider discusses and condemns abortion in about fifteen questions of his catechism. In the first part, he argues that the Church teaches that the human embryo must be treated as if it were already ensouled from the moment of conception (Question 142). In the second part he points out that abortion refers to the actions «objectively evil, i.e., always and absolutely evil» (Question 14), …More
Bishop Schneider discusses and condemns abortion in about fifteen questions of his catechism. In the first part, he argues that the Church teaches that the human embryo must be treated as if it were already ensouled from the moment of conception (Question 142). In the second part he points out that abortion refers to the actions «objectively evil, i.e., always and absolutely evil» (Question 14), and that abortion is a sin «that cry to heaven for vengeance» (Question 243), and that abortion is murder forbidden by the First Commandment (Question 483). He explains that in many societies this form of murder is legalized and very common (Question 488), that there is a close connection between contraception and abortion (Question 489), that the Church infallibly teach that abortion is intrinsically evil (Question 490), that it is unacceptable to develop and use medical products using fetal stem cells (Questions 499–504). In the third part, he explains that the Church denies Holy Communion to those who publicly support abortion (Question 369), that the one who has procured a completed abortion or positively cooperated in it, cannot receive the sacramental ordination (Question 627).
chris griffin
@Denis Efimov... Thank you for the update, this is encouraging. His promotional material listed 33 topics without mentioning abortion.
I hope he said that the baby cries out to God for vengeance. I hope he said that abortion is the same sin as Satan, Cain and Judas all at the same time. I hope he said that abortion is murder by the mother herself. I hope he said that the abortive mother is an enemy …More
@Denis Efimov... Thank you for the update, this is encouraging. His promotional material listed 33 topics without mentioning abortion.

I hope he said that the baby cries out to God for vengeance. I hope he said that abortion is the same sin as Satan, Cain and Judas all at the same time. I hope he said that abortion is murder by the mother herself. I hope he said that the abortive mother is an enemy of God. I hope he said that abortion is a direct attack on Jesus himself. I hope he said that the child sacrifice of abortion is unthinkable to God. I hope that he said that abortion violates the two greatest commandments. I hope he said that abortion is the sin of LYING IN WAIT which is first degree murder. I hope he said that all of heaven and earth will testify against her. I hope he said that her heart is hardened even more. I hope he said that we can cry out to God for vengeance also. I hope he said that she is under the wrath of God. I hope he said that she is under the same curses as Cain.
chris griffin
@Strong and Steadfast
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a purposeful liar.
Here are you mistakes and misstatements…
You said…”To take an advertisement from the publisher and make the leap to judge” The truth is that the Bishop may have deliberately dictated the 33 things and avoided abortion intentionally or at the very least he knew, read and approved the publishers …More
@Strong and Steadfast

I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a purposeful liar.

Here are you mistakes and misstatements…

You said…”To take an advertisement from the publisher and make the leap to judge” The truth is that the Bishop may have deliberately dictated the 33 things and avoided abortion intentionally or at the very least he knew, read and approved the publishers advertisement in advance as every writer does. He dictated and/or actively approved mentioning 33 things other than abortion. So my complaint against him is valid and I have committed no error.

You said… They are devoid of charity….So are people who assume the worst of others, and then try to persuade other people to join them in their vitriol and lack of charity.

First, you include me in with the people of “iniquity” and ‘devoid of charity” in the preceding paragraph. I accuse you of the sin of slander against me which will send you to Hell if not repented of.

Second, I did not “assume” anything. I said he prefers to promote 33 other things and not to mention abortion at all at shows he does not care about abortion. If he had included abortion among the other 33 things I would not have made this post. But since he did not, one can only assume he does not care about abortion. Not even once out of 33!

Second, there is not “vitriol” in me except what you made up in your own mind. I have committed no name calling, no condemnation, no personal disrespect. This is simply stating the obvious, factual truth.

I think the only responsible action is for you to apologize to me and join a pro-life group.
2 more comments from chris griffin
chris griffin
@Strong and Steadfast…I am still waiting for your apology for slander against me.
chris griffin
Strong and Steadfast...You said...There is no room in Heaven for those with cold hearts. Another insult from you is a great blessing for me as it comes from a Catholic who is the supposed self-anointed king of truth but is really a machine gun of insults.
I gave you my bona fides…
Over 1 billion abortions in the last 100 years and 2,200 babies aborted every day around the world
I hope he said that …More
Strong and Steadfast...You said...There is no room in Heaven for those with cold hearts. Another insult from you is a great blessing for me as it comes from a Catholic who is the supposed self-anointed king of truth but is really a machine gun of insults.

I gave you my bona fides…

Over 1 billion abortions in the last 100 years and 2,200 babies aborted every day around the world

I hope he said that the baby cries out to God for vengeance. I hope he said that abortion is the same sin as Satan, Cain and Judas all at the same time. I hope he said that abortion is murder by the mother herself. I hope he said that the abortive mother is an enemy of God. I hope he said that abortion is a direct attack on Jesus himself. I hope he said that the child sacrifice of abortion is unthinkable to God. I hope that he said that abortion violates the two greatest commandments. I hope he said that abortion is the sin of LYING IN WAIT which is first degree murder. I hope he said that all of heaven and earth will testify against her. I hope he said that her heart is hardened even more. I hope he said that we can cry out to God for vengeance also. I hope he said that she is under the wrath of God. I hope he said that she is under the same curses as Cain.

"Yes, the iniquity of abortion is worldwide, 24 hours a day, protected by law and popular in the culture. There are devoid of charity.

In case you did not know the condemnation of abortion is an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church equal in authority as the founding of the Catholic Church by Christ and all the Marian dogmas. I am the one defending Catholic doctrine, please clear your mind.

OK...I have saved 325 babies and their mothers from murder during my 18 years in front of the abortion clinic. I have been assaulted many times, car windows smashed out, falsely arrested and beaten unconscious by an abortive father.

And all I get from you is crap. That is on you.
How do you know that abortion is NOT treated when the list (which is intentionally NOT exhaustive) ends with the bullet point "and more"? Maybe the "more" includes the evil of abortion. Plus you indict Bishop on the basis of ad copy from a publisher!
chris griffin
If you think murdering babies deserves "and more" then I feel sorry for you.
chris griffin
Denis Efimov.. Wanted to thank you for listing the abortion references in the new Credo catechism. I downloaded Credo and your references were a good guide. Thanks, Chris
Denis Efimov
@chris griffin
Thank you very much, I am glad that I was useful to you.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me that this catechism touches on the issue of abortion more often than many other, even traditional catechisms.More
@chris griffin
Thank you very much, I am glad that I was useful to you.

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that this catechism touches on the issue of abortion more often than many other, even traditional catechisms.
More stupid!
chris griffin
Yes, his ignorance of abortion is stupid. Thanks.
It’s great to make public comments, but it is also good to know what you are doing.
chris griffin
@123jussi... I perceive that you have an abortion in your past. Let me help you back to repentance!
Your perception is just about as good with me having an abortion as it is with everything else , please block me I can’t take any more stupid
chris griffin
123jussi....You are a Catholic that ridicules abortion and twice insulted a pro-lifer. You soul is in danger. Great danger to your soul to ridicule abortion without any basis, without any cause, without any decent reply except insult and derision and asinine comments. On your judgement day remember that I warned you.
I hope you are there with me I want to hear Our Lord tell you how stupid you are!
chris griffin
I have approximately 100,000 babies that will tell God that I tried to save them from being murdered. How about you?
A wise man once said that if you ever find yourself arguing with a fool make sure he is not similarly occupied,I am done.
how the heck does he betray the unborn just because he doesn't talk about murder?
chris griffin
D A F...He never mentions abortion, unborn or murder. He does not care about mothers committing murder and babies being murdered.
@chris griffin Sounds a lot like the woke crowd. It’s not enough to be against something, if you do not condemn it publicly in a manner that meets our standards, then we will condemn you.
chris griffin
When I submitted this article to Gloria TV I did not mean for them to make it look like an advertisement to buy the book. I would advise all Catholics to voice their displeasure of the book to the Bishop and instead send the purchase price of the book as a donation to a pro-life organization.
chris griffin
@frawley... He mentions 33 topics other than abortion. In case you did not know the condemnation of abortion is an infallible doctrine of the Catholic Church equal in authority as the founding of the Catholic Church by Christ and all the Marian dogmas. I am the one defending Catholic doctrine, please clear your mind.
@chris griffin so now you can read the mind and soul of the great Archbishop? It's people like you who attack holy men which give the pro-life movement a bad name. You are just a judgmental fool who is more interested in baseless disgusting attacks against Faithful Catholics.
chris griffin
D A F...You are calling me a fool for defending the unborn from a Bishop who clearly says he cares more about 33 other things than abortion. You calling that baseless makes you more than a fool, it makes you blind to the murder of unborn and blind to the dogmas Catholic Church.
@chris griffin Chris, I have spent countless hours in front of our local abortion clinic (which we were able to shut down) but find my time is better spent working against those in favor of abortion instead of beating up our own supporters for not being prolife enough.
chris griffin
frawley...OK...I have saved 325 babies and their mothers from murder during my 18 years in front of the abortion clinic. I have been assaulted many times, car windows smashed out, falsely arrested and beaten unconscious by an abortive father.
Catholic Bishops (and Popes) are supposed to be the most fervent defender of the unborn but tragically they never/rarely are. It is doubly tragic to see a …More
frawley...OK...I have saved 325 babies and their mothers from murder during my 18 years in front of the abortion clinic. I have been assaulted many times, car windows smashed out, falsely arrested and beaten unconscious by an abortive father.

Catholic Bishops (and Popes) are supposed to be the most fervent defender of the unborn but tragically they never/rarely are. It is doubly tragic to see a Bishop promote 33 other things and ignore abortion. Yes, I will criticize him till the cows come home in the effort to have him help save the unborn.
chris griffin
Strong and Steadfast...Yes, the iniquity of abortion is worldwide, 24 hours a day, protected by law and popular in the culture. There are devoid of charity. Thanks.
@chris griffin you obviously are just an ignorant troll on this website because if you were genuine, you would have actually read his Credo and seen he does mention abortion. People like you are pseudo pro-life trolls.
chris griffin
@D A F...My problem with the Bishop, as I said many times, is that he intentionally used 33 other topics to promote his book while ignoring abortion.
You are without discernment, without reasoning, without truth, without intellectual ability and without a care in the world for the unborn.
@chris griffin you mentioned slander to another poster here, but you are the one who is doing the slandering and if you keep it up, I will find out who you are and have my attorney contact you for the libel and calumnies you are speaking against me. I expect an apology immediately.