Angelo Santelli
Angelo Santelli


If the body, as the Church teaches, is a temple of the Holy Spirit TATOOS ARE A NO NO for the devout Catholic. The body is given to us as it is. and is not ours to disfigure. Mathathias tells us Christians supposedly marked their arms with the cross or the name of Jesus. If markings on the body are so fine why are we warned about THE MARK OF THE BEAST (Revelations 13:15-17)? Personally I could not …More
If the body, as the Church teaches, is a temple of the Holy Spirit TATOOS ARE A NO NO for the devout Catholic. The body is given to us as it is. and is not ours to disfigure. Mathathias tells us Christians supposedly marked their arms with the cross or the name of Jesus. If markings on the body are so fine why are we warned about THE MARK OF THE BEAST (Revelations 13:15-17)? Personally I could not care what the pagan Assyrians did or what Christians did in marking their bodies 2000 years ago. Our body is meant to be used as a temple of God, and no temple gets disfigured that is of God.
Angelo Santelli

Lukewarm Francis Church Starts Crumbling in Africa

Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (VIDEO)
We all know already that Bergoglio is not Pope. He preaches contrary to Catholic teaching.More
Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (VIDEO)

We all know already that Bergoglio is not Pope. He preaches contrary to Catholic teaching.
Angelo Santelli

The Masses Are BLIND to the Tragedy. By Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Relativism is the cause of decline in society. It is the worm that is burrowing right into the maw of a world gone mad. Josef Pieper's LIVING THE TRUTH is a good start on understanding what truth is versus self-contradictory relativism. Aristotle does a masterful attack on it, but Pieper is a good start for the layman. So is Peter Kreeft's RELATIVISM. I remember Sheen's masterful television attacks …More
Relativism is the cause of decline in society. It is the worm that is burrowing right into the maw of a world gone mad. Josef Pieper's LIVING THE TRUTH is a good start on understanding what truth is versus self-contradictory relativism. Aristotle does a masterful attack on it, but Pieper is a good start for the layman. So is Peter Kreeft's RELATIVISM. I remember Sheen's masterful television attacks on this insanity in the 1950s (yeah, I am old) and I agree his canonization process hold up is bizarre. The latest attack o him is that he did not discipline a pedo cleric in Rochester. while there is NO evidence he ever knew about it.
Angelo Santelli

Arecibo Bishop: Why Francis Took Vengeance

In Brooklyn, NY, the phrase used is "take him out."
Angelo Santelli

Schneider: Roman Rite Is A Lion Francis Wants to Cage

100% canonically correct. If Priests had an income that made them independent of Bergoglio's threats of defrocking this filth against the Latin liturgy would cease. Bergoglio is an evil agent and one has to keep asking the Divine why this colon compromised pervert has been allowed to live
Angelo Santelli

For a Change: Francis "Distances" Himself From German Synod

Report: Pope’s Contradictions Explain Vatican’s ‘Growing Irrelevance’
The atheists must be loving this. Jorge's "self-contradictions" are simply his lies.More
Report: Pope’s Contradictions Explain Vatican’s ‘Growing Irrelevance’

The atheists must be loving this. Jorge's "self-contradictions" are simply his lies.
Angelo Santelli

New Church: Receiving Communion On the Tongue Banned, Concubinage Allowed

There is no "New Church." There is only one Church and it is not the one spawned by Montini. Angelo Roncalli on his death bed shouted "Stop the Council." I was a grown man by that time soon to be the Latin liturgy. What has come from Montini (the "Hamlet" Pope) makes one wonder how he could ever have been canonized when it was clear to him that Councils of the Church forbade changing …More
There is no "New Church." There is only one Church and it is not the one spawned by Montini. Angelo Roncalli on his death bed shouted "Stop the Council." I was a grown man by that time soon to be the Latin liturgy. What has come from Montini (the "Hamlet" Pope) makes one wonder how he could ever have been canonized when it was clear to him that Councils of the Church forbade changing what was custom and inbred in Rituale Romanum. Ratzinger knew this and permitted Latin even though what he should have done is revoke all liturgies not prayed in Latin. So I pay little attention to the mess Bergoglio has spawned, supremely confident the gates of Hell await him for the destruction and filth he has advanced. One need only look at his face to see a distant visage of Satan.
Angelo Santelli


California Bill Would Legalize Infanticide, Babies Could be Left to Die Up to 6 Weeks After Birth -
Has Jorge denounced this yet (it's a week old) or is he just going to play along?More
California Bill Would Legalize Infanticide, Babies Could be Left to Die Up to 6 Weeks After Birth -

Has Jorge denounced this yet (it's a week old) or is he just going to play along?
Angelo Santelli

"No Magic Formula": Francis Consecrates Russia

Confession is more about God's forgiveness than our sins, pope says
This obese moron is theologically sick and demented. One has to ask why has God allowed this filth in His sanctuary.More
Confession is more about God's forgiveness than our sins, pope says

This obese moron is theologically sick and demented. One has to ask why has God allowed this filth in His sanctuary.
Angelo Santelli

England: Triple-Injected Live Dangerously

Didn't Bergoglio tell everyone to get jabbed? Too bad his colonoscopy succeeded-- so far.
Angelo Santelli

Covid Rigorism: Vatican Dissolves Cloistered Monastery

Metaphysically disgusting.
Angelo Santelli

Bungle Vatican: PE Will Be "Corrected" Within Days

Who really cares?
Angelo Santelli

Fr. Paul Kramer: “An act PRESIDED OVER BY AN ANTIPOPE will be NULL & VOID, even if the true pope …

Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’
Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’
And then this msg board has that jackboot poster ultraviolet opining that individuals who do no accept fatso Bergoglio as Pope are sedevacantists.
I', as a Priest, would still like to know who pays the poster ultraviolet to smear his filth here. Might it …More
Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’

Memorandum for Next Conclave Calls Francis Pontificate a ‘Catastrophe’

And then this msg board has that jackboot poster ultraviolet opining that individuals who do no accept fatso Bergoglio as Pope are sedevacantists.

I', as a Priest, would still like to know who pays the poster ultraviolet to smear his filth here. Might it be some pedophile cleric?
Angelo Santelli

Francis’ “Reform” of the Curia Is Out

Bergoglio's latest change will be ignored, just as all the prior are.
Angelo Santelli


Live Mike, 100% correct.
Angelo Santelli

Back Again: German Bishops "Allow" Lethal Injection

Prayerfully, and soon, Jorge Bergoglio will be administered assisted suicide.
Angelo Santelli

Science Didn't Prove Adam & Eve or Noah's Ark

Bergoglio has to go.
Pope tells Russian Orthodox leader there’s no such thing as ‘just war’
What were the wars the Jews fought at the command of Yahweh in the Old Testament? Were they "unjust"? Yahweh commands injustice? Now the freak from Argentina is even rewriting the Old Testament.More
Bergoglio has to go.

Pope tells Russian Orthodox leader there’s no such thing as ‘just war’

What were the wars the Jews fought at the command of Yahweh in the Old Testament? Were they "unjust"? Yahweh commands injustice? Now the freak from Argentina is even rewriting the Old Testament.
Angelo Santelli

INTERNATIONAL NYTIMES: In Ireland, the legacy of St. Brigid thrives

Francis-Bergoglio Has Gotten a Black Eye
From His Dictatorial Dismissal
Of a Popular Traditional-leaning Newbishop
In Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Newchurchers Are Taking to the Internet
And to The Streets
To Support Newbishop Fernandez Torres
And Denouncing Bergoglio as a Dictator Pope
More and More Newchurchers Have Decided
That Bergoglio Is Not a True Pope
And Have Started a Movement Entitled
"Save the …More
Francis-Bergoglio Has Gotten a Black Eye
From His Dictatorial Dismissal
Of a Popular Traditional-leaning Newbishop
In Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Newchurchers Are Taking to the Internet
And to The Streets
To Support Newbishop Fernandez Torres
And Denouncing Bergoglio as a Dictator Pope
More and More Newchurchers Have Decided
That Bergoglio Is Not a True Pope
And Have Started a Movement Entitled
"Save the Papacy"
Which Is Beginning to Spread around the World