
Bischofsvikar Prälat Karlheinz Knebel verstorben

He was really a great priest and baptised our 6th child in Füssen.May he Rest In

Heilige Anna Schäffer. KIRCHE IN NOT Deutschland Hl. Anna Schäffer - Gedenktag: 5. Oktober Dulderin,…

It is actually the Feast oBlessed Francis Xavier Seelos here in Füssen!But I also like St. Anna Schäffer very much.Her life is very inspiring.

4. Oktober Sankt Franz Xaver Seelos - in Füssen und im Redemptoristenorden: 5. Oktober

I live in Füssen and his Feast day is celebrated today 5th October,I can assure you! ✍️ Taken from the Augsburg Liturgical calender, see below,
Franz Xaver Seelos, Priester
(nur in der Stadt Füssen)
Nicht gebotener Gedenktag
5 OCTOBER 2016/5 OKTOBER 2016
1830hrs Mass in the choir for Feast of Blessed Francis …
I live in Füssen and his Feast day is celebrated today 5th October,I can assure you! ✍️ Taken from the Augsburg Liturgical calender, see below,

Franz Xaver Seelos, Priester
(nur in der Stadt Füssen)
Nicht gebotener Gedenktag

5 OCTOBER 2016/5 OKTOBER 2016
1830hrs Mass in the choir for Feast of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos/Heilige Messe in Chorgestühl Gedenktag Sel. Franz Xaver Seelos
More info from and

Fronleichnam 2012 Der römisch-katholische Feiertag Fronleichnam, das „Hochfest des Leibes und Blutes …

Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photos.How wonderful that in the Blessed Sacrament we can worship Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.It is so sad that many many Catholics no longer believe in the REAL PRESENCE of Christin the Blessed Sacrament. 😇

Brick Parade( St. Marys Assumption Church New Orleans)

😇 Brilliant.Interesting to know the history about why everyone is carrying a brick.150 years ago when the church of St Mary Assumptionwas being built by German immigrants in New Orleans,the wagons carrying the bricks couldn't get near the church due to the mud.The women of the Parish went out to meet the wagons and carried the bricks in their aprons to the church so it could be built.Now 150 …More
😇 Brilliant.Interesting to know the history about why everyone is carrying a brick.150 years ago when the church of St Mary Assumptionwas being built by German immigrants in New Orleans,the wagons carrying the bricks couldn't get near the church due to the mud.The women of the Parish went out to meet the wagons and carried the bricks in their aprons to the church so it could be built.Now 150 years later they are re-inacting this historic event.This is also the Church where Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos was serving when he died.Blessed Seelos was born here. 🤗 👍 🙂

Brick Parade.( St Marys Assumption Church)

😇 🤗 👍 🙂 Brilliant.Interesting to know the history about why everyone is carrying a brick.150 years ago when the church of St Mary Assumptionwas being built by German immigrants in New Orleans,the wagons carrying the bricks couldn't get near the church due to the mud.The women of the Parish went out to meet the wagons and carried the bricks in their aprons to the church so it could be built.Now …More
😇 🤗 👍 🙂 Brilliant.Interesting to know the history about why everyone is carrying a brick.150 years ago when the church of St Mary Assumptionwas being built by German immigrants in New Orleans,the wagons carrying the bricks couldn't get near the church due to the mud.The women of the Parish went out to meet the wagons and carried the bricks in their aprons to the church so it could be built.Now 150 years later they are re-inacting this historic event.This is also the Church where Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos was serving when he died.Blessed Seelos was born here.

Patron der Messdiener. Tarzisius Patron der Messdiener Für Kinder

Very interesting.In the UK St Stephan the 1st Martyr is the Patron Saint of Servers.I have served for over 50 years and have 4 of my 6 children aged 3-13 who serve.My wife used to serve also in the UK before we had so many children. 🙂 🤗 👍

Pontificio Seminario Romano Maggiore

Brilliant,GoodChoreography and to do this the Seminarians have to be sportive.Do we really only want fat priests?Much better that they are healthy and of course HOLY!If their prayer life is as good as this then fine. 😇 🤗 👍 👌 👏

my dear little Baby. God bless you

Something intriging about the style!I like it. 👍

Filastrocche di Natale. edizioni Paoline

Thank you for recommending this.My wife speaks some Italian and we will play it for our 6 children tomorrow.Frohe Weinhnachten-Happy Christmas-Buon Natale

Schönborn Against Pro-Life Rally

What is the real message is the Archbishop of Vienna giving us by his contradictory actions?Thank God for the obedience of the Auxilary Bishop and that he made it public at the Mass he was banned from attending.What about all the millions of aborted babies,do we now forget them Cardinal Schönborn?