Jesus Freak

DE - Die geistige Adoption des ungeborenen Kindes

DE - Die geistige Adoption des ungeborenen Kindes (Duchowa adopcja - język niemiecki) Ein Gebet zum Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens Hilfestellung für alle, die an den Folgen eines Schwangerschaftsabbruches …Mehr
DE - Die geistige Adoption
des ungeborenen Kindes
(Duchowa adopcja - język niemiecki)
Ein Gebet zum Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens
Hilfestellung für alle, die an den Folgen eines Schwangerschaftsabbruches leiden
Gelöbnisformel der Geistigen Adoption
Heiligste Jungfrau Gottesgebärerin Maria, alle Engel und Heiligen, vom Schutz der Ungeborenen veranlasst,
Ich (Name) ……………………………………………………………………………, beschließe und verspreche dass vom ………………………………… (Datum), am Fest ………………………….……………………………, ein Kind in Geistige Adoption aufzunehmen, wessen Name nur Gott allein bekannt ist, und verpflichte mich neun Monate lang (bis……………………….), jeden Tag für die Rettung seines Lebens und ein gerechtes Leben nach der Geburt zu beten. Ich beschließe: Das tägliche Gebet für das ungeborene Kind zu sprechen und Tag für Tag ein Rosenkranzgeheimnis zu beten. Meine freiwilligen Vorsätze sind: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………Mehr
Tolles Video über Christi Blut! Sehenswert!
Facts of The Blood of Jesus Christ #jesuschrist #jesus #jesusmiracle Dive into an unprecedented exploration of the blood of Jesus Christ, blending faith with science in this captivating video. We …Mehr
Facts of The Blood of Jesus Christ #jesuschrist #jesus #jesusmiracle
Dive into an unprecedented exploration of the blood of Jesus Christ, blending faith with science in this captivating video. We explore groundbreaking scientific research on artifacts and Eucharistic miracles purported to contain the blood of Christ. From the Shroud of Turin to the Miracle of Lanciano, join us as we analyze the findings of forensic studies, DNA analysis, and other scientific investigations that seek to unlock the mysteries surrounding these revered relics. This video is perfect for those intrigued by the intersection of religion, history, and science. Whether you're a devout believer in the power of these miracles or a skeptic fascinated by the history of such artifacts, this video provides a balanced perspective on the scientific exploration of one of Christianity's most sacred elements. #JesusBloodScience #EucharisticMiracles #RelicResearch #FaithMeetsScience #HistoricalArtifacts #ShroudOfTurin #…Mehr
Jesus Freak
@joseph333333 Vitit the website, its more important than the video: Hello, since the refugee crisis in 2015, I've been waiting for the inflation we're …Mehr
@joseph333333 Vitit the website, its more important than the video:
Hello, since the refugee crisis in 2015, I've been waiting for the inflation we're currently experiencing. At the moment, I expect a revolution in Germany, a Russian attack, and the return of Christ! However, all these years, I was not clear why Russia would ever attack us. Well, that question is being answered these days. But how could I have known that back then?
➀ "First comes a prosperity like never before. (Economic miracle 1959)
➁ Then follows a decline in faith like never before. (Decline of Catholic religion, Second Vatican Council 1965)
➂ Then an unprecedented moral corruption follows (68er movement)
➃ Then a large number of foreign people come into the country. (Refugee crisis 2015)
➄ There is high inflation. Money loses more and more value. (Inflation, since 2022)
➅ Soon after, the revolution follows. ➆ Then the Russians attack the West overnight." This was prophesied by the Bavarian Alois Irlmaier around 70…Mehr
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