
"Another Cookie": Priest Stops Violent Lesbian from Stealing Holy Communion

It is not bread. It is not "considered" the Body of Christ, as the journalist said. It IS the Body of Christ. This is why the priest defended Him (and the unknowing woman, to protect her soul from receiving unworthily). Hopefully the Holy Spirit will use this event to call her to come to Him with her whole heart one day soon.

Church of Ireland Synod becomes scene of drama after protest breaks out over jailed teacher Enoch …

The look of disdain, scoffing and eye-rolling on the faces of the people in the room, including the bishop, against this defender of God's Word in Genesis is rich. Another defender, Enoch Burke, is punished in prison. And what do they discuss at the Synod: Constant Reform of the Church.

The New South Wales police have described yesterday’s attack on the Assyrian Bishop Mari Emmanuel in …

He is called an Assyrian bishop, which he is not, and never has been. It's a correction. Gloria tv would not let me post a link, but go to the ytube video, Mar Mari Emmanuel demolished by Sydney bishop for more info. I am very careful with deceptions. Our society is saturated with them. If I was following a bishop who said he was ordained where he was not, and has been excommunicated but does not …More
He is called an Assyrian bishop, which he is not, and never has been. It's a correction. Gloria tv would not let me post a link, but go to the ytube video, Mar Mari Emmanuel demolished by Sydney bishop for more info. I am very careful with deceptions. Our society is saturated with them. If I was following a bishop who said he was ordained where he was not, and has been excommunicated but does not admit it, I'd want to know why he is keeping it to himself. I, too follow some suspended priests, but they are open about what has happened to them.

The New South Wales police have described yesterday’s attack on the Assyrian Bishop Mari Emmanuel in …

Third-party cookies are disabled He is an excommunicated bishop of the Ancient Church of the East.

Australia: Bishop Attacked During Sermon

This bishop is not a member of the Assyrian Orthodox Church, but was ordained a bishop of the Ancient Church of the East. He was Excommunicated in 2014.

Canada to Begin Jailing Citizens Who 'Might' Commit Crimes - Slay News

1984--all systems in place. As usual, there is one thing no fool ever factors in when he is building his dystopia: God's intervention...

Vienna Cathedral: Christ Is Upside Down

It brings such peace knowing that today is the Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus. The demons are so utterly predictable and boring--sacrileges everywhere on the feast of a devotion in reparation for said blasphemies, namely, sins against the first 3 Commandments, and for the conversion of sinners. "Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered, and let those hate Thee flee before Thy Face".

True or fake?

We can spend our entire lives avoiding our demons. In voluntary isolation, you are forced to face them and overcome, esp. with prayer and avoiding all distractions. We have something similar called Retrouvaille, for troubled marriages, which my husband and I participated in. You are not totally isolated, but do not speak with anyone except your spouse, with the exception of mealtimes. It ended with …More
We can spend our entire lives avoiding our demons. In voluntary isolation, you are forced to face them and overcome, esp. with prayer and avoiding all distractions. We have something similar called Retrouvaille, for troubled marriages, which my husband and I participated in. You are not totally isolated, but do not speak with anyone except your spouse, with the exception of mealtimes. It ended with Holy Mass, and I can say it was a very powerful Mass to participate in after an intense battle with those demons. Like receiving the Eucharist after exorcism. It is a weekend retreat, (Catholic initiative) with spiritual support, but no phones, watches or alarms allowed. Couples also offered follow-up afterwards, which we could not do. Most marriages were saved, even a couple who were divorced 10 years reconciled. Our city does not have a Retrouvaille program, so we drove 8 hours to Minneapolis in 2002. It was worth every sacrifice. Still together after 32 years, and going strong. Face those demons. They are so weak compared to Christ's love.

The Most Dangerous Thing in Prison. By Father Gordon MacRae

What a glorious, merciful slap in the face for us to hear God's interrogation! Thank you for this moving article, Fr. MacCrae!

Pope Claims Everyone Will Gradually Accept Same-Sex Blessings

Wicked comment. Against Africans, and against heaven. Were Africans the only culture that were tasked to be fruitful and multiply, while the rest of the world could sterilize itself?

Tucho Imagines An Underage Girl Having an Affair with "Jesus"

Feeling sorry for him as a human being in "time". Lucifer had all knowledge and fell due to his own pride, knowing all. The Cardinal does not know "all". Also, I did not say he is innocent of anything. I am sorry for him despite his guilt and/or ignorance. My pity is not sentimental, unless you mean compassionate. And if Jesus prayed "Father forgive them for they know NOT what they do", I can do …More
Feeling sorry for him as a human being in "time". Lucifer had all knowledge and fell due to his own pride, knowing all. The Cardinal does not know "all". Also, I did not say he is innocent of anything. I am sorry for him despite his guilt and/or ignorance. My pity is not sentimental, unless you mean compassionate. And if Jesus prayed "Father forgive them for they know NOT what they do", I can do the same. :)

Tucho Imagines An Underage Girl Having an Affair with "Jesus"

I'm beginning to feel very sorry for him. He is a lonely man, for all his "expertise" on intimacy. He was put in as head of a dicastery and is now the most mocked man in the Catholic Church. I'll pray for him. He is being used as a means to an end. (attempts to demolish the church, which will not happen, ever).

Excommunication is Back! Priest Calls Francis a “Usurper”

Yes, everything Don Minutella warned of, he was correct. And he was "doubly" excommunicated, whatever that means. :). ANother made-up word by the fake church, much to his amusement. I really enjoyed his sense of humour. He was excommunicated because he would not pledge allegiance to Pope Francis. He repeatedly was asked to do so, and he repeatedly vowed allegiance to the Roman Pontiff (without naming …More
Yes, everything Don Minutella warned of, he was correct. And he was "doubly" excommunicated, whatever that means. :). ANother made-up word by the fake church, much to his amusement. I really enjoyed his sense of humour. He was excommunicated because he would not pledge allegiance to Pope Francis. He repeatedly was asked to do so, and he repeatedly vowed allegiance to the Roman Pontiff (without naming Francis)--so he was punished. Very moving when he gently placed his vestments on an altar, and offered his suffering and his priesthood for the good of the true Church. I learned so much listening to his homilies and talks--he is more fiery than I even imagined John the Baptist, and his love of Holy Mary was palpable. Followed magisterial teaching to a T. He went ballistic when hearing prelates say that Mary was just a girl-next-door, our sister in the faith! Said very simply, the role of the church is to "Proclaim Christ!! What do we call a church that no longer proclaims Christ....?" Yet he is excommunicated----meaning he is staying exactly where he has always been: in the barque with Jesus.

‘Thank God! Michelangelo is not alive’: German trans artist’s video of ‘trans’ Mother Mary holding …

What I found most significant about this painting is that this "Jesus" has no scars. False Jesus. Nothing else matters... I hope this artist finds the real Jesus who will help him heal from his own wounds.

Cardinal Müller: Transvestites or Homosexuals "Do Not Exist"

Although there is a behaviour in line with transvestism, there really is no such thing, scientifically (ie-biologically) as homosexuality. In scientific terms, sexuality refers to REPRODUCTION, and there must be two opposite sexes involved the act for reproduction to be possible. We have been dumbed down and fed this erroneous definition for so long, no one questions it any more. What so-called …More
Although there is a behaviour in line with transvestism, there really is no such thing, scientifically (ie-biologically) as homosexuality. In scientific terms, sexuality refers to REPRODUCTION, and there must be two opposite sexes involved the act for reproduction to be possible. We have been dumbed down and fed this erroneous definition for so long, no one questions it any more. What so-called homosexuals engage in is homo-eroticism, which is the aping of the sex act, which is a completely sterile act, no reproduction possible, ever, no matter what they do with their body parts. Sterile=not from God. Next time someone tells you they "trust the science", throw this at them and watch them implode.

Who grew up with that, too?

I did and still do.

Zen: Ex-Synod Run By Supporters of Homosexuals Who Were "Kicked Out Of the Church"

I'm glad they imposed silence, it all back-fired. All were then able to hear very clearly the words of the Dubia Cardinals like a bell around the world.

Ex-Synod: Cardinal Müller Is Wearing the Cassock

Cardinal Muller is very fatherly. I am glad he is spending time with Fr. James Martin, perhaps that is exactly what was needed, and in mutual charity. So much charity is lost. I pray for them both.