

Que forma tan despotica de llmar a la gente que supuestamente deberian ser hermanos cristianos, nuestro Señor mismo dice que aquel que llame asi a un hermano se condenara, Mat 7, es mejor leer la biblia y creerle al Sr. es lo menos que podemos hacer en nuestra ignorancia, no necesitamos creer lo que esta pasando pero por lo menos creerle al Sr seria suficiente.

Las señales de Fatima, el Apocalipsis y los acontecimientos mundiales 2024. La ceguez espiritual …

Si asi es, y cuando esto suceda que sera pronto, pasara como lo dijo el Sr. en Mat 24, te recomiendo que lo leas porque quizas encontraras un lugar en la gente que el describe.

Eclipse, Prophecies & A Cardinal's Call: Is This Our last Chance?

Amen, but we are still obliged to obey the Lord and what he says in his teachings in the old and new testament when it comes to us sinners and how to work for our conversion and to help others as well. I should have died 15 years ago, the Doctors did not want to do anything for me anymore. I did not ask our Lord to take away my pains and sufferings, nor to spare me and allow me to live more, etc. …More
Amen, but we are still obliged to obey the Lord and what he says in his teachings in the old and new testament when it comes to us sinners and how to work for our conversion and to help others as well. I should have died 15 years ago, the Doctors did not want to do anything for me anymore. I did not ask our Lord to take away my pains and sufferings, nor to spare me and allow me to live more, etc. I only asked him for one of two things 1) If he was going to let me live to send one of his sons (a priest) so I could confess and receive his body, 2) If he was not to take me because I could no longer hold on because I had no more strength. Before all this, I had offered all my illnesses, pains and sufferings for the conversion and salvation of sinners, including my soul.

Many supernatural things happened during this time I was in the hospital. I had also seven consecutive dreams in which the lord gave me a mission each dream, he also showed me events that would happen in the world and that I wrote after coming out of the hospital. I showed those writings to a priest not long ago which were dated. In there I spoke of the corona virus and its molecular structure to the RNA level and of countries in Europe that would start WW 3.

WW 3 will start during the time of Donald Trump and this is still the time of Donald Trump, so it is in this time I saw Obama before he became the president of the USA AND i TOLD MY RELATIVES AND PARENTS ABOUT IT WHILE I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL BUT THEY THOUGHT I WAS DELIRIOUS BECAUSE OF MY HIGH FEVERS THAT THEY COULD NOT BRING DOWN.

I told my mother many future events that would happen, she listened to me as she was by my side all the time and even got a permission to sleep in the hospital, in the bedroom I was in, she never left my side. To her surprised all those things became true. But I only told her what our Lord Jesus let me see during those 7 dreams and 7 missions he gave me in each dream.

Right now we must do what our Lord taught us to do when he gave us those 2 commandments, and what he taught in Matt 5, 6 and 7. I see charity (supernatural love) is fading away from people's hearts, we must remember those teachings as they are our guaranteed that we will truly live a life in grace.

Up to this day starting form that day in the hospital, I still know things that are going to happen in a way, I do not want to and have asked the Lord not to allow me to know, or dream things. But he does. I spoke throughout the years with different priest hoping one of them will tell me I"m becoming a fanatic or a crazy person in need of therapy, but none of them have said that, and some of them have even cried.

Just a couple of years ago I gave up, but I still reject those "inspirations" per say. I've never been good about those things at all. But I can't stop praying and offering everything and anything I can for the salvation of souls.

These information that I share with people here, is just a confirmation of things I've dreamt or things I "know" will happen, I usually talk to some people about it, no more than 2 or 3, one of them is a priest who is my spiritual counselor, he never approves nor disapproves what I say, he only tells me to pray, and he reminds me to be in a state of grace all the time.

I share this pearls and I hope that nobody mocks them or criticizes me as our Lord says in Matt 7, but I do have this feeling which I will name a "call" to pray unceasingly and to do penance and reparation, I feel a lot of people will die, and when I say a lot I mean millions.

I never look for this kind of videos at all, and I usually do not see them when I go to my youtube channel, nor I'm subscribed to any of these channels, and I do not think is a coincidence that they all appear all of a sudden, especially when I have these "calls" and "prophetic dreams" as a lady said to me once as she was curious to know what I dreamt when she heard about my dreams. God knows I always doubt and it's been 15 years but I always do, and if not through the appearances of these videos in my channel that's by no means related to religion but technology; the Lord allows me to know through the news that I do not really read, but the articles appear there when I exit my email account, or by word of mouth of some good catholic and faithful people who live a life in constant prayer and doing charitable works.

Praise be to God.

The False Christ of The Chosen

I personally never watch protestant movies they make me VERY SICK TO MY STOMACH. Just very few of the old ones when they did not change too much the bible content. Even though the Chosen has catholic actors, and they recommend it, yuck, sorry, I only watched part of the first episode because of them, and I did not even finished it, yuck 🥵 😫 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 I made sure to give it a thumbs down. As …More
I personally never watch protestant movies they make me VERY SICK TO MY STOMACH. Just very few of the old ones when they did not change too much the bible content. Even though the Chosen has catholic actors, and they recommend it, yuck, sorry, I only watched part of the first episode because of them, and I did not even finished it, yuck 🥵 😫 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 I made sure to give it a thumbs down. As a catholic I would never participate in making a protestant movie that relates to the bible, unless they strictly take it directly from the bible without changing things, or directly from revelations of Saints or Beatified people without altering the content. Even some catholic movies and animations are degrading the real content, essence and tradition of the catholic church.

¿Qué pasará a la humanidad en 2024? La Impactante Profecía que Recibió el Padre Oliveira

Definitivamente odio a su maxima potencia y hay un lugar para eso, lee Galatas capitulo 5 enre muchas otras citas que pudiera recomendarte, es obvio que el Espiritu de Dios no vive en tu corazon ni las palabras escritas en el evangelio. Pobre de ti, Hasta tu nombre de usuario lo dice que eres un caos español. Trizte, por lo menos dame tu nombre para que ore por tu alma. Bendiciones las vas a necesitar …More
Definitivamente odio a su maxima potencia y hay un lugar para eso, lee Galatas capitulo 5 enre muchas otras citas que pudiera recomendarte, es obvio que el Espiritu de Dios no vive en tu corazon ni las palabras escritas en el evangelio. Pobre de ti, Hasta tu nombre de usuario lo dice que eres un caos español. Trizte, por lo menos dame tu nombre para que ore por tu alma. Bendiciones las vas a necesitar. 😷 🙏 👏


@Jen WilpowI put a description on how to do it for you and anyone else who may have questions about how to watch them.


Si, tengo un enlace con films animados este va a ser de pelicula non animatas. Just wait, I'm gathering all my movies, but I am searching for them in my channel since I'm a very old user here in gloria.tv and my albums were disassembled when glorit.tv changed their appearance.

¿Qué pasará a la humanidad en 2024? La Impactante Profecía que Recibió el Padre Oliveira

Y tu a tu projimo el Papa casi nada imaginate lo que te espera con el Papa del Cielo, Jesus, mejor pide perdon y ora por todo aquel que esta en pecado y en contra de la iglesia del Sr. No estoy en contra tuya, y estoy de acuerdo en estar en desacuerdo con todo aquello que profana la sacralidad y santidad de la iglesia tradicional, sin importar si es sacerdote, obispo, cardenal o Papa, pero ante todo …More
Y tu a tu projimo el Papa casi nada imaginate lo que te espera con el Papa del Cielo, Jesus, mejor pide perdon y ora por todo aquel que esta en pecado y en contra de la iglesia del Sr. No estoy en contra tuya, y estoy de acuerdo en estar en desacuerdo con todo aquello que profana la sacralidad y santidad de la iglesia tradicional, sin importar si es sacerdote, obispo, cardenal o Papa, pero ante todo debemos ser siempre hijos de Dios y vivir como te dice el Sr en Mat 5, 6 y 7, en vez de señalar y juzgar a la magdalena y sacarla para apedrearla. habla como cristiano no hables como alguien que jamas fue bautizado, ten algo de dignidad por tu bautismo y AMA A TUS ENEMIGOS (Mat 5 vers 43-48), eso te dice el Sr. no yo, y tambien te dice que te da dos mandamientos, ya no los 10 sino dos, amar a Dios y al projimo, y aquel que dice Señor, señor COMO DICE EL MISMO, EL QUE ME AMA OBEDECE MIS MANDAMIENTOS.Jn 14 versiculo 21.

Ya portate como un hijo de Dios no sigas echandote cenizas ardiendo sobre tu cabeza, tu forma de expresion por el projimo refleja mucho todos los traumas que cargas desde tu infancia que te han llevado a juzgar, criticar y condenar a toda persona sin piedad, la misericordia que tu des es la misma que recibiras el dia de tu juicio dice el sr.

No vamos a justificar el pecado, no vamos a tolerar todo aquello que se revela en contra del Sr., pero primero saquemosnos la viga que tenemos en el ojo para poder sacar la astilla en el ojo del projimo (Mat 7).

HABLA COMO HIJO DE DIOS Y DIGNIFICA TU BAUTISMO. Que Dios te condeda la paz. Bendiciones.

¿Qué pasará a la humanidad en 2024? La Impactante Profecía que Recibió el Padre Oliveira

Te falta una pulgada de ego para alcanzar el cielo, el orgullo precede la ruina (Provrebios), ya casi lo tocas sigue, animo, solo cuida no caer porque te va a doler mas de lo que te esta doliendo ahorita. Dios te bendiga lo vas a necesitar cuando caigas sin paracaidas.

¿Qué pasará a la humanidad en 2024? La Impactante Profecía que Recibió el Padre Oliveira

Si no me equivoque estas lleno de odio, lee el evangelio y vivelo. Te hara mucha falta el dia que des cuentas a Dios. Y no me extrañaria que seas de Argentina porque la mayoria de los Argentinos son muy groseros, su educacion la reciben de medios que solo saben hablar palabras obscenas y vulgares.

¿Qué pasará a la humanidad en 2024? La Impactante Profecía que Recibió el Padre Oliveira

Cuanto odio no sabia que odiabas tanto a alguien que dices que no existe, puedo borrar tu comentario pero lo dejo porque esto es lo que un catolico no deberia hacer. Eso si es que eres catolico porque hay cada protestante y musulman que me he encontrado aqui y que hablan pestes de la iglesia catolica. Dios te de la paz la vas a necesitar para lo que viene.

¿Qué pasará a la humanidad en 2024? La Impactante Profecía que Recibió el Padre Oliveira

Eso es para referencia personal, el video se posteo en esa fecha en un canal llamado foros de maria. Yo no veo ese canal en particular pero senti que debia entrar a youtube. Ellos ya habian posteado los mensajes del padre antes de la guerra de Israel, y en verdad no se han equivocado todo sigue escalando. Iran e Iraqu estan teniendo tensiones con Israel pero tambien con EU, y por el otro lado EU …More
Eso es para referencia personal, el video se posteo en esa fecha en un canal llamado foros de maria. Yo no veo ese canal en particular pero senti que debia entrar a youtube. Ellos ya habian posteado los mensajes del padre antes de la guerra de Israel, y en verdad no se han equivocado todo sigue escalando. Iran e Iraqu estan teniendo tensiones con Israel pero tambien con EU, y por el otro lado EU esta teniendo tensiones con Rusia por lo de Ucrania, y con China. El que digas que estas en el mes de enero no importa para mi, ¿Cual es tu punto? digo, yo estudie y no me tomaria mucho sacar conclusiones logicas y evitar comentarios nefastos. Bendiciones.

El misterio desvelado: La Señal Profética del Padre Oliveira para el 2024

Cierto y es lo que hago, pero tambien la palabra de Dios nos dice del mismo Sr. que el no castiga sin antes darnos un previo aviso. Lo que dicen estas "profecias" no contradicen la palabra de Dios ni en el antiguo ni en el nuevo testamento. Yo pongo todo en duda y en disernimiento.


You are right, but we can pray so she can become a pro-life person she is confused, and she does not understand the importance of human life inside her womb. There's always a lesson to learn from people like this, we can only take those parts of her testimony that can help us understand the mindset of people who are pro-choice, because when we find people like them, we can have words to help them …More
You are right, but we can pray so she can become a pro-life person she is confused, and she does not understand the importance of human life inside her womb. There's always a lesson to learn from people like this, we can only take those parts of her testimony that can help us understand the mindset of people who are pro-choice, because when we find people like them, we can have words to help them not to do such atrocity. I thank God that I've helped to save lives of babies from people who were going to have an abortion. They (the babies) are now in their 20's or so. I always listen, and learn, and I thank God some of them have become pro-life and they go to abortion clinics to pray the rosary and to give advice to people. We must live with hope in all we do for God's gory. Thanks for your insightful comments, pray for her, an people like her, even if you do not know their names or life. God bless.

US troops came home feeling 'cursed' and seeing ghosts after intense artillery battles with the Islamic …

Jac there's testimonies of many people who are ex-militaries, ex-police officers, ex-ranger, or who are even still in service that have seen demons.
Just because that does not happen to you it does not mean it does not happen to other people. You do not need to question everything and put in doubt everything.
I have helped to young people who were under a demonic influence. One of them had to be …More
Jac there's testimonies of many people who are ex-militaries, ex-police officers, ex-ranger, or who are even still in service that have seen demons.

Just because that does not happen to you it does not mean it does not happen to other people. You do not need to question everything and put in doubt everything.

I have helped to young people who were under a demonic influence. One of them had to be exorcised after having an official exorcist from the Diocese do his investigation to bring it to the Bishop and see if the Bishop decided if an exorcism was necessary.

These young people suffer a lot, their parents do not believe them until supernatural things start happening which I do not need to mention here as it would take a lot of writing. I have a cousin who work for the county and who knew police officers who told her about supernatural things in some cases related to satanic rituals that they had to investigate.

You do not need to believe everything people post, but at least try to give others the benefit of the doubt because if we start questioning all that's is shared then we will end up without faith.

Not that our Lord does not encourages us to question things, but not in a way of a doubtful mind, doubt is something God does not like nor applaud in people. There's the doubt that makes you search and enrich yourself with knowledge, and there's the doubt that mocks in a way what people say, the second is not good.

Let's pray for those who are afflicted by these apparitions and do not know what to do because they may not be catholics, or even believers at all in Jesus, yet they still see these demonic apparitions and they start believing that if they (the demons) exist, then God must also exist. Some atheist have converted because of this.

God bless.

Película sobre el Papa Paulo VI - Un Papa en la tempestad

Arturo Machuca Ampuero
Puse el link en el share pero puedes copiar el link de la barra de arriba y es este
Película sobre el Papa Paulo VI - Un Papa en la tempestad.
Y mandarlo o postearlo en donde desees y la gente sera enviada directamente aqui, no sabia que ya habian deshabilitado el poder bajar los videos, es lo malo de nosotros los catolicos somos mas egoistas que los protestantes, por eso …More
Arturo Machuca Ampuero

Puse el link en el share pero puedes copiar el link de la barra de arriba y es este

Película sobre el Papa Paulo VI - Un Papa en la tempestad.

Y mandarlo o postearlo en donde desees y la gente sera enviada directamente aqui, no sabia que ya habian deshabilitado el poder bajar los videos, es lo malo de nosotros los catolicos somos mas egoistas que los protestantes, por eso nos ganan mucho terreno, y sacan muchos catolicos de la iglesia. Bendiciones, y gracias por dejarme saber.


@Temperance I do not think you understood what the priest said. Jesus is the light, the true Sun, Rev 13, our Lord himself says he is the light, and we are all called to be light and the salt of the world. The blackout is a spiritual blackout meaning that is not a physical thing regarding the light of the sun or artificial, but an attack on the Eucharist, the blessed sacrament, with COVID the Catholic …More
@Temperance I do not think you understood what the priest said. Jesus is the light, the true Sun, Rev 13, our Lord himself says he is the light, and we are all called to be light and the salt of the world. The blackout is a spiritual blackout meaning that is not a physical thing regarding the light of the sun or artificial, but an attack on the Eucharist, the blessed sacrament, with COVID the Catholic church was closed due to a pandemic, talking about Rome, the church in Rome is the head and heart of the entire mystical body of Christ.

The other two blackouts that will come will be another one similar to what happened during the pandemic, the last one will be definite, meaning that nobody will have access to our Lord at all because of the persecution and because there will be no temples open, most of them destroyed most probably.

This persecution is mentioned in the catechism of the catholic church.

There might be clandestine masses here and there, very few and people most likely will have to move around due to the persecution that's coming. I understood the message Fr. Blount gave and I agree, at last in the first Blackout let's hope the other two never happen although this is bible prophecy as well so it will happen eventually, meaning that we will not have our Lord with us anymore just like the apostles did not have him. There's more but I'll leave it here.

God bless.

El estallido de una bomba atomica en Polonia causara que la tercera guerra mundial comience en todo …

The bible is clear in the book of revelations and also the approved messages of our Lady given in Fatima that do not contradict bible prophecies if the Apocalypse says that Gog and Magog will walk over the earth and make war killing 1/3 of humanity and our Lady reminds us that, then this is the truth the rest is lies from the news.
I believe in bible prophecies and revelations given to saints, …More
The bible is clear in the book of revelations and also the approved messages of our Lady given in Fatima that do not contradict bible prophecies if the Apocalypse says that Gog and Magog will walk over the earth and make war killing 1/3 of humanity and our Lady reminds us that, then this is the truth the rest is lies from the news.

I believe in bible prophecies and revelations given to saints, blessed people and approved visionaries. God bless.

In regards to the message of Fatima, the last part of the secret or third part of the letter has to do with the church today and is no longer a secret, our Mother actually said it in La Salettte 2 centuries ago, repeated it last century in Fatima that was not revealed at all, but kept on repeating it in other apparitions approved by the church last century, in regards to the apostasy and that the apostay would come form the top.

So the last part of the secret is not a secret because our mother made sure it was given in other approved apparitions. But it's still our obligation to pray for those who persecute us, and to pray for the sinners including ourselves, and to pray for our enemies, LOVE THY ENEMY SAYS OUR LORD JESUS IN MAT 5.

Peace be with you. God bless.


Why don't you make this video available for download so we cah upload it in places like youtube? because even if they have it already in youtube we need to make copies of it so people are becoming more aware of this.

El estallido de una bomba atomica en Polonia causara que la tercera guerra mundial comience en todo …

So do not think that what's coming to you will be brought by the US with false news or blaming Russia, look at Russia, they denied the invasion in Ukraine, many times over the news, and look …More

So do not think that what's coming to you will be brought by the US with false news or blaming Russia, look at Russia, they denied the invasion in Ukraine, many times over the news, and look at them they are in Ukraine so who's lying?

Russia bombarded Ukraine in the beginning and they denied it until it was obvious for all the world when they started the invasion. Same will happen in your country so do not think the US will try to implement a government and nuke you to push that "agenda" you talk about. IT WILL BE RUSSIA, BIBLE PROPHECIES AND FATIMA'S MESSAGE ALONG WITH OTHER MESSAGES DO NOT MAKE MISTAKES, IF IT WAS THE US THEN THE BIBLE WOULD TALK ABOUT THE US, OR OUR LADY IN FATIMA WOULD HAVE MENTIONED THAT BEFORE.

God in the Bible and Our Lady of Fatima do not lie and the do not confuse, they are clear, today what we are getting in prophetic messages give details as to how this will occur, and they DO NOT CONTRADICT BIBLE PROPHECIES OR MESSAGES GIVEN TO VISIONARIES AND APPROVED BY THE CHURCH.

Do not get confused with human things regarding governments our eyes must be in the Bible and messages approved by the church, and (maybe) in new messages given today by people who have received a Diocesan approval, that means an approval by the local Bishop.

So I'm telling you of these people, the details as the bible does not give details when St. John talks about Gog and Magog in the Book of revelation or Apocalypse.

We are making a chain of prayers with the holy rosary, fasting and communion and reparation along with sacrifices for your country, Israel and America, asking our Lady to protect us, and to rescue as many sinners as she can when all these calamities start happening.

Here in America a few of us, very very tiny little of us have the signs, most of the people do not want to listen or do no believe, or do not know anything at all. But the ones like us who believe and who know, we are doing those chains of prayers as I described.

We need to have a lot of faith and Hope because those virtues will be attacked soon by the demons when they are unleashed to the world. Read Book of revelation Chapter 9, then read chapters 6, 7 and 8, in that order.

God bless.