Dr Bobus
Dr Bobus
This is a little article I wrote for Christian Order about 6 months ago
4 pages
Hound of Heaven
A very fine, and revealing, synthesis of the conciliar documents which places a lot of what we have been told by many current episcopates into serious …More
A very fine, and revealing, synthesis of the conciliar documents which places a lot of what we have been told by many current episcopates into serious question. They have ignored, and forbidden, much of what was promulgated (but not adequately taught to the faithful) and draconically implemented what was not.
Dr Bobus

A miracle in Missouri? Body of Benedictine Sisters’ foundress thought to be incorrupt

Gower, Missouri, May 22, 2023 / 10:15 am Hundreds of pilgrims have descended on a Benedictine monastery for religious …
Dr Bobus
More "old news" is that around 500 people are still visiting daily.
Dr Bobus

More Pollution?

mic.com/…ere-will-we-all-go-when-we-die I favor the Carthusian MO: No embalming, no coffin, and straight into the ground.More
I favor the Carthusian MO: No embalming, no coffin, and straight into the ground.
This modern fixation on "green" burials shows as little respect for the dead as its advocates typically have for the unborn. Traditional burials reflect …More
This modern fixation on "green" burials shows as little respect for the dead as its advocates typically have for the unborn. Traditional burials reflect a near universal Western respect for the dead and their memory throughout history. This is in contrast to the modern humanist treatment of the body as if it were nothing more than a source of fertilizer.
As usual, this is a variation of the usual environmentalist's argument, "I don't think it's good for nature so YOU shouldn't do it."
Unmentioned is the fact that it will be a lot easier to force a piece of legislation to build new housing on a "former" green-cemetery than it ever will to get all those coffins, concrete liners, and headstones dug up and moved.
Instead, the same environmentalists who were praising the lasting natural beauty of such places will do what lefitsts always do: change their narratives.
"The bodies have completely disintegrated by now so there's nothing there anymore! The 'common good' demands we build more …More
Dr Bobus

An exorcist on tattoos.

The following is from Fr Z's blog. [The contributor is an exorcist, whom I know and trust. Fr. Z] Our bodies do not belong to us to mar according to our whims. St. Paul never tires of reminding us that …More
The following is from Fr Z's blog.
[The contributor is an exorcist, whom I know and trust. Fr. Z]
Our bodies do not belong to us to mar according to our whims. St. Paul never tires of reminding us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Just as I ought not carve my initials in the wall of the Holy Sepulcher, so too, ought I not permanently mark my body. My body is not my property since I am not the author of it.
Tattoos, in their original usage, are a form of manifestation of allegiance to pagan deities. Paul tells us all that all the gods of the pagans are demons.
I have dealt with with people who thought they had innocuous tats on their bodies. When I asked one girl why the “t” in a word was an inverted Cross, she had no answer and was quite angry at the artist. She had no idea.
Sometimes tattoo artists have satanists curse the ink so that the bearer have a permanent malefice (demonic fortuna – something akin to an anti-sacramental, a physical object that bears a curse) in their body …More
Dr Bobus
Sorry for the delay. 1. Following your link Rituale Romanum, I only found an English translation. Roman Ritual. I read the text, even though I distrust …More
Sorry for the delay.
1. Following your link Rituale Romanum, I only found an English translation. Roman Ritual. I read the text, even though I distrust translations.
Further, that is not the latest Rituale Romanum. I don't have access to the newest version, so I don't know what it says.
2. The text referred to by you, however, cites the Council of Trent. And that reminds me of a bigger problem. Trent says there are seven grades of Orders, but Ministeria Quaedam (Paul VI) says there are only three (Diaconal, Presbyteral, and Episcopal). Subdiaconate is de facto suppressed, and the Minor Orders are gone, replaced by Lay Ministries.
O tempora! O mores!
3. I have known Fr Zuhlsdorf well for almost thirty years, and I trust his judgment of the priest/exorcist. I will say, however, that I have known many really good priests and theologians who want no part of exorcisms. My impression has been that there is so much opposition to their ordinary duties, they're loathe to take on
BTW, the late …More
According to the same Rituale Romanum this "exorcist" is citing, he himself is anathema. "When I decommission tattoos, I use the formula from the …More
According to the same Rituale Romanum this "exorcist" is citing, he himself is anathema.
"When I decommission tattoos, I use the formula from the Roman Ritual for "Reconciliation of a Profaned Church", altering the words where appropriate."
It is NOT "appropriate" to alter the words or the purpose of a rite in the Catholic Church.
This "exorcist" should read his Rituale Romanum a little more closely. :
2. "If anyone says that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in the solemn administration of the sacraments, may be contemned, or arbitrarily omitted by the ministers without sin, or be changed into other new ones at the option of any pastor of the churches: let him be anathema."
The "formula" this "exorcist" uses is part of the RITE For Reconciling A Profaned Church. A rite for reconciling a structure is not a rite for "decommisioning tattoos". There is no such rite. The Rituale Romanum …More
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Dr Bobus

Google Image Result for images.slideplayer.com/29/9466225/slides/slide_25.jpg

690 × 494 Don't Believe Everything You Think | livetrue livetrue.co.uk {"id":"n44kvOp9t2vnJM:","isu":"livetrue.co.uk","itg …
Dr Bobus
Captain Francis the daring missionary pilot on the way to China
Dr Bobus

Climate change ideology

RomanCandle Whatever happened to the coming Ice Age that we were told about in the early 1980s? I seem to have missed it. Maybe it happened while I was in Europe === A few months ago I was driving …More
Whatever happened to the coming Ice Age that we were told about in the early 1980s? I seem to have missed it. Maybe it happened while I was in Europe
A few months ago I was driving through Minnesota and Wisconsin. Around 20,000 years ago the ice there was from one to two miles thick, reaching about 10,000 ft into the sky. What caused that ice to melt? There were no coal-fired plants. Nor were there automobiles with internal combustion engines.
Dr Bobus
It's not necessary to attribute all evil things to the devil. Plane, ordinary human stupidity can explain a lot.
Every subversion need an ignition. This one is the final that devil has invented. And now four riders of Apocalypse are riding. Only those who redirect …More
Every subversion need an ignition. This one is the final that devil has invented. And now four riders of Apocalypse are riding. Only those who redirect faith from power of money (man as a god who create things with the power of money) to 100% faith in God's Creating Power of Love, will survive the end of this world.
Dr Bobus

Real Catholic Hosts, consecrated by a priest!!! 9 pieces * * *!! Made in Germany!! Black Mass Magic …

Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: …
Only in the next life will God be able to sufficiently punish those who so outrage His Son in the Blessed Sacrament
Dr Bobus
Fr Rutler is a literate

Pope Francis’ new comments on the death penalty are incoherent and dangerous – Catholic World Report

Pope Francis meets with a delegation from the International Commission Against the Death Penalty in …
Dr Bobus
Fr Rutler is one of the most literate and theologically coherent Anglophones
Dr Bobus


The county and the town were named for a Colonel Mason Maycomb, a man whose misplaced self-confidence and overweening willfulness brought confusion and confoundment to all who rode with him in the Creek …More
The county and the town were named for a Colonel Mason Maycomb, a man whose misplaced self-confidence and overweening willfulness brought confusion and confoundment to all who rode with him in the Creek Indian Wars.
The text comes from a novel I am reading. Immediately, I was struck how it seems to pertain to a certain resident of the Vatican.
Dr Bobus

National Review. Vatican preparing a response.

Accusations By MAIREAD MCARDLE September 10, 2018 4:15 PM Top advisers to Pope Francis said on Monday that the Vatican is preparing an official response to accusations that the pope helped cover up an …More
September 10, 2018 4:15 PM
Top advisers to Pope Francis said on Monday that the Vatican is preparing an official response to accusations that the pope helped cover up an American cardinal’s sexual misconduct.
The statement from the “C-9,” the nine cardinals who advise Francis on Church matters, came on the first day of a three-day meeting with the pope, one of several throughout the year.
The Holy See’s planned response will address accusations by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò — former Vatican ambassador to the United States — that Pope Francis covered up sexual abuse by now-disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
Viganò roiled the Church with his bombshell statement last month that he’d warned Francis in 2013 about McCarrick, a former archbishop of Washington, D.C., who had for years been dogged by rumors of sexual abuse of both minors and seminarians. More than two dozen other current and former Vatican officials also covered up for McCarrick, Viganò …More
Dr Bobus
Let me guess the contents of the response: Blah blah blah . . . Merely rumors . . . blah blah blah . . . Mercy . . . blah blah blah . . . Everyone was …More
Let me guess the contents of the response:
Blah blah blah . . . Merely rumors . . . blah blah blah . . . Mercy . . . blah blah blah . . . Everyone was doing it . . . blah blah blah . . . Obviously,it is a vendetta by Vigano' because he was fired . . . blah blah blah . . . Conspiracy by those opposing reform . . . blah blah blah . . . McQueerick is no longer a Cardinal and is awaiting trial . . . blah blah blah . . .
It must be kept in mind that the head of the C-9 is the corrupt Maradiaga, a nobody from nowhere, who wants to save his own arse.
Dr Bobus
A man of action

Pope Says He Will Address Sex Abuse Scandal Once He's Finished Talking About Climate Change

VATICAN CITY—In his first public statement on the horrifying, devastating report on sexual abuse within the …
Dr Bobus
With all the talk about Cardinal McCarrick's pajama parties for young priests and seminarians, I thought it best to include something on a great priest.

Obituary for Father John C. REINKEMEYER at Livingston Funeral Home

Father John C. REINKEMEYER June 20, 1921 - March 15, 2012 Father John C. Reinkemeyer, 90, died Thursday, March 15, 2012. Fr. Reinkemeyer …
Dr Bobus
This morning after mass a lady from Wichita and I were talking about Fr Reinkemeyer--she said he was her all time favorite priest. Maybe mine too. Fr …More
This morning after mass a lady from Wichita and I were talking about Fr Reinkemeyer--she said he was her all time favorite priest. Maybe mine too. Fr R was a character. Drove a motorcycle all winter. Slept on the floor. Was given the poorest parish in Wichita, and so he had a 7:00pm Sunday mass that attracted people with some money. His homilies were usually sprinkled with quotes from the Fathers. The Church needed a new roof, and he put on a new one. Very funny, with direct, sometimes salty language.
A legend in the Wichita diocese
Dr Bobus

Sophisticated Lefeverist Smuggling Tunnel Found Under Vatican Walls

Browse > Home / Libs & Trads / Sophisticated Lefeverist Smuggling Tunnel Found Under Vatican Walls The largest cross-boarder Lefeverist …
Vatican is full of secrets. I read about pagan gods collection under this city.
Dr Bobus
I met Abp Lefebvre in 1972-3 at Fontgombault
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Dr Bobus

Cardinals want Francis to resign

GJA Taylor
Please God, he will go and go quickly. Amen
Libor Halik
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Dr Bobus

Pilgrimage illustrates Catholicism's 'woman problem'

One of the more striking Catholic pilgrimages in recent memory wrapped up in early July with a small Mass at a side altar in St. Peter’s Basilica. …
They are the same age of Pope Bergoglio and they will die (out) with him...
Dr Bobus
Those Swiss being in Rome reduces Novus Ordo mass attendance in Switzerland by about 20%.
Dr Bobus
The author was my professor, the translator a good friend.

The Wanderer: La restauración de la cultura cristiana

Es la mejor noticia de 2016. ¡Gracias al traductor y gracias al editor!
Dr Bobus

The Curate's Egg: A Reflection on Amoris Laetitia - Crisis Magazine

There was a Victorian member of the Royal Academy who boasted that his paintings were the best because they were the biggest. More …
Dr Bobus

Does God condemn anyone to hell?

1. First, note that the question is not whether there is anyone in hell. It is de fide that certain angels are there. Traditionally, the text from John's Apocalypse (12:4--its tail swept a third of the …More
1. First, note that the question is not whether there is anyone in hell. It is de fide that certain angels are there. Traditionally, the text from John's Apocalypse (12:4--its tail swept a third of the stars from the sky) has been interpreted as referring to the angels who became demons.
2. It is certain from Scripture that Christ refers to humans being there. And the tradition among the Fathers is that Judas the traitor is there.
3. The point that Pope Francis was making is: 1) God wants the salvation of all men (de fide, and 2) Anyone who goes to hell goes because he wants to go there, being fooled by the wiles of demons.
Unfortunately, there are critics who confuse their own zealous emotionalism with any of St Augustine's three wisdoms and look for the splinter in the eye of of others. They have very little to offer except their own vitriol.
Dr Bobus

Edith Hamilton quote

"I came to the Greeks early," Hamilton told an interviewer when she was 91, "and I found answers in them. Greece's great men let all their acts turn on the immortality of the soul. We don't really act …More
"I came to the Greeks early," Hamilton told an interviewer when she was 91, "and I found answers in them. Greece's great men let all their acts turn on the immortality of the soul. We don't really act as if we believed in the soul's immortality and that's why we are where we are today."
For those unfamiliar with Edith Hamilton;
She began learning Latin and Greek when she was seven years old and as an adult could read them as if they were English. Later, she studied in Germany but leaving before finishing her doctorate, she returned to the US and helped found the Bryn Mawr School for girls in Baltimore, where she was headmistress until her retirement in 1922. She then began writing books: The Greek Way, The Roman Way, The Echo of Greece, and Mythology are all well known to American classicists.
She was made an honorary citizen of Athens in 1957 and died six years later at the age of 91.
Dr Bobus

Ireland votes for homosexual "marriage"