Gloria.TV News
An Atheist Who Fought Anti-Catholic Bigotry Defending History. Professor Rodney Stark who defended history against – quote - “centuries of anti-Catholic lies,” died on July 21 at the age of 88. Stark …More
An Atheist Who Fought Anti-Catholic Bigotry
Defending History.
Professor Rodney Stark who defended history against – quote - “centuries of anti-Catholic lies,” died on July 21 at the age of 88. Stark was a long-time professor of sociology and comparative religion at the University of Washington, and later Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences at Baptist Baylor University. He became famous for his book “Bearing False Witness. Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History.” Stark said about this oeuvre, “'I wrote this book to defend history.”
Fighter Against Lies. Stark who wasn’t a Catholic, was perhaps the most effective living apologist for the Church of Rome in the history of the West. He grew up in Lutheranism and – quote - "like all Lutherans" was "enlightened on the perversion of Catholics" every Sunday at services. He spent most of his life as an atheist and returned to Christianity only after he had turned 60.
The Lies. Among the Anti-Catholic lies Kraft debunked were an …More
Malki Tzedek
RIP Professor Stark. His books clearly, and definitively, shone an intense spotlight on the lies still peddled by educators, 'experts', and, most pathetically, many clergy. An historian par excellence. May our Lord judge his honorable efforts favorably on his behalf in the hereafter.
Malki Tzedek
I have no quibble with the orthodoxy, however, I leave all judgements to God. Jesus commanded us to love, forgive, and pray for one another. He did not limit it to our faith brethren or the living. I can do no less.
RIP Dr. Stark, a gentleman, first class scholar and seeker of truth.
He didn't remain an atheist, but became a Christian at the age of 60. Perhaps, with all of his scholarship devoted to defending the Catholic faith, he converted just before he died.