Gloria.TV News - September 4, 2013 Fasting for Peace: The appeal of pope Francis to fast and pray on Saturday, September 7 for peace in Syria has received support beyond the Church among Moslems and …More
Gloria.TV News - September 4, 2013
Fasting for Peace: The appeal of pope Francis to fast and pray on Saturday, September 7 for peace in Syria has received support beyond the Church among Moslems and non-believers in the Italian government. The Sunni grand mufti in Syria wants to be personally in Saint Peter’s square. The Italian foreign minister Emma Bonino, an atheist and an active proponent for abortion and divorce announced that she also wants to fast for peace.
A Father for the Whole Church? On the eve of the first anniversary of the death of former Milan Cardinal, Carlo Maria Martini, Pope Francis called the late-fellow Jesuit and biblical scholar, a "prophetic" figure and a "man of discernment and peace." According to Francis, Martini was – quote - "a father for the whole church". Francis made his statements during a meeting with Italian Jesuits on August 30. Shortly before his death, Martini set forth his disagreement with the Catholic teaching against homosexual civil unions – …More
✍️ Looking very nice today Canolli. That tie goes very well with the shirt. The Oirish accent isn't great but you did try and we Irish always love a trier - Rene
Martini a "Father for the Whole Church"? 🤐 🤨 🤒
Loosening up a bit? 😀
Thanks for the news! good job! 👍More
Loosening up a bit? 😀

Thanks for the news! good job! 👍
Thanks for the news..good Irish accent :)