F M Shyanguya
European Royalty. Satan hates women/the female sex EGI [Elite Gender Inversion/Transgenderism] Truly the children of the wicked are to be pitied.More
European Royalty.
Satan hates women/the female sex
EGI [Elite Gender Inversion/Transgenderism]
Truly the children of the wicked are to be pitied.
That hate goes all the way back to God's decree "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." (Gen. 3:15)
F M Shyanguya
That’s why they lie to themselves and are gravely mistaken those who say, ‘I love Satan.’ It is something that can never be realized because God himself established that enmity.
Even as ‘they love him’, he hates them with all his being. They will be confounded.More
That’s why they lie to themselves and are gravely mistaken those who say, ‘I love Satan.’ It is something that can never be realized because God himself established that enmity.

Even as ‘they love him’, he hates them with all his being. They will be confounded.
F M Shyanguya
If you are wondering how they have babies cf Male Mother Mystery.
This is what they mean in the comment @Tesa made:
“men can get pregnant, women have penises.”
And my reply correcting/giving the fuller picture. It isn’t a joke.
It is also their worship of the androgynous Baphomet - has breasts and a penis - and one esoteric meaning of the “V” they flash. The flasher telling those in the know …More
If you are wondering how they have babies cf Male Mother Mystery.

This is what they mean in the comment @Tesa made:

“men can get pregnant, women have penises.”

And my reply correcting/giving the fuller picture. It isn’t a joke.

It is also their worship of the androgynous Baphomet - has breasts and a penis - and one esoteric meaning of the “V” they flash. The flasher telling those in the know that they have two sexes [prefer this vs gender]: above waist being opposite of below waist.

CC @Ultraviolet.
Don't do this to me, @F M Shyanguya ... It's the weekend. :P
I'm not sure if you're doing some kind of epic trollin' lulz or if you're wandering the borderland of the Twilight Zone.
What I see is Tesa quoting Nancy Pelosi and parodying the Left's self-evident errors. Are you assuming Tesa is endorsing such nonsense just by spoofing it? No, man... just no.
"It isn’t a joke."
Sure it is. The joke …More
Don't do this to me, @F M Shyanguya ... It's the weekend. :P

I'm not sure if you're doing some kind of epic trollin' lulz or if you're wandering the borderland of the Twilight Zone.

What I see is Tesa quoting Nancy Pelosi and parodying the Left's self-evident errors. Are you assuming Tesa is endorsing such nonsense just by spoofing it? No, man... just no.

"It isn’t a joke."

Sure it is. The joke is on them because they're serious. There was a great quote in the film adapation of Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty Four". The socialist party leader is explaining science as a political construct...

"The Law of Gravity is nonsense. No such law exists. If I think I float, and you think I float, then it happens."

He wasn't joking any more than the socialists today discussing the scientific meaningless of gender or race.

Hey, that reminds me...

In case you ain't noticed, Joseph a' Christian -aka- Be_Ye_Separate is back in another new sock-puppet account. Now he's "Baptist John". You know what that means, he's already searching GTV for "lewd topics". The only posts he made today were both on that kind of content.

You start using terms for genitalia, Creep-O's going to be all over this post like bukake.(misspelling intentional, in case Creep-O is doing word-based searches)

"It is also their worship of the androgynous Baphomet and one esoteric meaning of the "V" they flash."

Man, this is... there are TONS of different uses of the "V" and none of them involve Baphomet.


There -is- a "Baphomet gesture", it isn't this one and it has zip to do with gender. Really...

The day you ever manage weaponize online weirdness, you will be able to kill any rational discussion anywhere. It'll be like trying to argue with bronies and nyan-cats.

...only worse. Much worse. Fuhhhh...
F M Shyanguya
@Ultraviolet Only @Tesa can explain his/her thoughts when making the comment.
It came across to me as if scoffing, belittling what she believes “the Left” think and say.
I say they are dead serious, as are the Right as both are adherents of the same religion.
PS By now I was thinking you know when I am joking and when I am not.More
@Ultraviolet Only @Tesa can explain his/her thoughts when making the comment.

It came across to me as if scoffing, belittling what she believes “the Left” think and say.

I say they are dead serious, as are the Right as both are adherents of the same religion.

PS By now I was thinking you know when I am joking and when I am not.
Only @Tesa can explain his/her thoughts when making the comment.
On GTV? Ah, that is where y'all wrong, my man.
GTV is blessed with a powerful psychic who explains everyone else's thoughts on a near-daily basis. He can tell what you think, what I think, what Tesa thinks, what the former Pope thinks, what the current Pope thinks, what his shift-leader at Wal-Mart thinks.
Now perhaps you'd …More
Only @Tesa can explain his/her thoughts when making the comment.

On GTV? Ah, that is where y'all wrong, my man.

GTV is blessed with a powerful psychic who explains everyone else's thoughts on a near-daily basis. He can tell what you think, what I think, what Tesa thinks, what the former Pope thinks, what the current Pope thinks, what his shift-leader at Wal-Mart thinks.

Now perhaps you'd think (as I would think) such a powerful clairvoyant would be able to turn such abilities to fame and financial success. Or at least succeed in romance. Nope. Not even that. :D

"By now I was thinking you know when I am joking and when I am not."

You? The day you ever start actively trollin' I'm running from GTV and not lookin' back.