Next One in Francis' Crosshairs: US Bishop Forbids Sodoma supplicans

Francis' homosexual [pseudo] blessings cannot be performed in the Diocese of Baker, Oregon, without producing a scandal, writes Bishop Liam Cary (, 9 February, via …More
Francis' homosexual [pseudo] blessings cannot be performed in the Diocese of Baker, Oregon, without producing a scandal, writes Bishop Liam Cary (, 9 February, via
"Here, as in Africa, if a cohabiting heterosexual or same-sex couple were to ask a priest to bless them, they would be seeking an official sign of approval for behaviour that the Church teaches is sinful in God's sight."
Monsignor Cary doesn't want to send that message. So he orders Baker's priests not to [pseudo] bless those involved in fornication:
"When priests of Jesus Christ bless behaviour that is contrary to His commandments, they devalue the sanctity of marriage vows and distort the divine plan for human happiness."
God is the redeemer of marriage, not its destroyer, Monsignor Cary explains: "Any form of blessing that endorses extra-marital unions cannot flow from the hands of His priests".
Wilma Lopez shares this
Bishop Cary has asked the priests of his diocese “not to bless known co-habiting couples, of the same sex or both sexes” because he does not believe blessings for couples in such situations could be carried out in a “scandal-free” manner in his diocese.
All Saints
You’re the dang bishop. You don’t “ask”.
Are gray beards the thing now for holy Bishops?
They all should form a synod of cancelled bishops, the list is growing.
Hound of Heaven
One can only hope because then we may have a chance of getting a cancelled pope.
"Here"? Not "here", but for Catholics
Indeed! But I think he said ''here'' because after the African refusal, ''Bergoglio & Co'' said that Fiducia Supplicans does not apply to Africa.
Hound of Heaven
Orwell is certainly in the details, to paraphrase: "All 'heres' are equal, but some 'heres' are more equal than others." By the by, this is, more or less, imbedded in the flawed implementation of a flawed council, V II, and it is merely rearing its head more obviously with the ludicrous declarations being made from 'head office'.
A Catholic must be essentially against it, not according to the circumstances.
But as Africa has passed, it seems that it will be easier. It is the reading that is done.
In this way (the bishop's) it can be said, and not be criticized too much.