Perhaps he should be a shepherd of souls instead.
Vax deniers are stupid said PoPe in 2021 when he met Francis Buria, CEO of Pfeiser
Pope Francis Condemns Cardinal Burke and the Anti-Vaxxers (
Ann Smith
We need a Real Pope
James Manning
I agree. The climate is changing. The climate changes over time. But what Francis proposes isn't a solution. It's just a means of subduing the masses for his masters.
Scientists agreed, America landed on the Moon.
Scientists agreed that WTC destroyed by pląnes, Pentagon destroyed by a plane.
Scientists agreed that Earth is a spinning ball and Moses was wrong, the Bible is wrong
Scientists agreed there was Evolution and Big Bang
Does it mean its right?
O.O2% of CO2 in atmosphere is too much, scientists say, cows destroy the world, scientists say
James Manning
@stanislawp - The climate changes. You don't need scientists to realize that. Just look at historical crop records. Massive crop failures throughout the world in 536 possibly caused by a volcanic winter, judging from East Asian records. During the "Medieval Warm Period", you could grow grapes in England. Then came "The Little Ice Age" and we see a shift to crops that were heartier in Western and …More
@stanislawp - The climate changes. You don't need scientists to realize that. Just look at historical crop records. Massive crop failures throughout the world in 536 possibly caused by a volcanic winter, judging from East Asian records. During the "Medieval Warm Period", you could grow grapes in England. Then came "The Little Ice Age" and we see a shift to crops that were heartier in Western and Northern Europe. Interestingly enough, those two periods were exclusive to the Northern Atlantic. Scientists don't know why. But the farmers that lived through them will tell you it happened.

The Green Movement is a total scam, though. Hands down.
Francis is angry because we don't believe his lies. Boo hoo.
True Mass
An act of love
Billy F
Chaplain for the NWO!
Everyday for Life Canada
The pope is merely projecting and talking about himself.
Live Mike
Said the "Poison-Death-Shot" advocate.
Ivan Tomas
For the UN globohomo newbabilonians in particular BerGOGlio is an essential mouthpiece.
Dr Bobus
In the early 80s we were told that a New Ice Age was approaching. It merited a Time cover story and coverage by NPR. If we had a New Ice Age, I must have missed it.
During the last Ice Age the ice in North America was 1-2 miles deep. What caused it to melt?More
In the early 80s we were told that a New Ice Age was approaching. It merited a Time cover story and coverage by NPR. If we had a New Ice Age, I must have missed it.

During the last Ice Age the ice in North America was 1-2 miles deep. What caused it to melt?
Ci co nie wierzą w Zmianę Klimatu są głupi, mówi PoPe
Pamiętajmy, że w 2015 napisał on encyklikę o klimacie i ekologii
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