Kooky "Liturgical Dance" with Blessed Sacrament. A weird clip of some "liturgucal dancing" from South America during a Eucharistic conference. It gets really bizarre when the priest starts craddling …More
Kooky "Liturgical Dance" with Blessed Sacrament.
A weird clip of some "liturgucal dancing" from South America during a Eucharistic conference. It gets really bizarre when the priest starts craddling the monstrance like a baby. Very strange. They no doubt have faith in the Real Presence, but this is a type of hyped fantaticism that lacks reverence and respect and does not cultivate true adoration which leads to authentic contemplation. The music is Jewish. An abuse for sure.
Iva Podzimková
Das ist blasfemia!!
de verdad es incomodo ver este incomoda ver un sacerdote que descompone lo solemne de una adoracion al santisimo sacramento. a veces nuestra iglesia por buscar "nuevas formas" de llegar a la gente cae en serias actitudes que borden la ridicules y la verguenza... no estoy en contra de la danza, la musica ni la alabanza espontánea pero hay que ser delicados... qué se baile.. quien baila …More
de verdad es incomodo ver este incomoda ver un sacerdote que descompone lo solemne de una adoracion al santisimo sacramento. a veces nuestra iglesia por buscar "nuevas formas" de llegar a la gente cae en serias actitudes que borden la ridicules y la verguenza... no estoy en contra de la danza, la musica ni la alabanza espontánea pero hay que ser delicados... qué se baile.. quien baila y cómo se baila... no por ser "atrevidos" atraemos gente.. si, tal vez podamos artaer unos cuantos.. pero por esa mismo atrevimiento tambien se pierden mucho mas que unos cuantos... 🤮
There are two things happening here: 1. An Anthropological need to venerate the gods; 2. A faith which has succumbed to Crisis. Briefly:
1. From the dawn of creation men have always had the natural need to worship something, or someone he calls Creator. Take for example, the rites of Vashti; or the Persian dances for Mithra; or the Bacchanalian dances of Greece. Think on the biblical book of Exodus …More
There are two things happening here: 1. An Anthropological need to venerate the gods; 2. A faith which has succumbed to Crisis. Briefly:

1. From the dawn of creation men have always had the natural need to worship something, or someone he calls Creator. Take for example, the rites of Vashti; or the Persian dances for Mithra; or the Bacchanalian dances of Greece. Think on the biblical book of Exodus and the golden calf the people made in the absence of Moses, and worshiped; even though the Glory of God was on the mountain top before their eyes! I think this video is indicative of this type of willful paganism.

2. This leads me to the next point, when faith in the One true God is in Crisis, i.e. the people find it difficult to believe, or are distracted from the Glory of God and simply no longer believe. Like the golden calf of Exodus, and the pagan dances of pre-Christianity, the people in this video have clearly lost thier faith in the One true God and have exchanged it for an idol. This idol is the monstrance, NOT the Blessed Sacrament contained therein. This is because they don't know the Lord anymore, but have replaced our Lord with an intellectual concept they call god (yet another idol).

Let us pray that our Holy Father is successful in rooting out this, and all other abomonations in God's church!

In conclusion: one can only accept this video as an expression of the true faith IF one is quite pagan. Any other explanation would be theologically insurficient! ✍️
Miss Maria
🤦 Sometimes, Really....I am just speechless.... 🤦 It's like watching some alien show it's so surreal!!! Wow. 🤒
Luz Ma. Rodríguez
😡 🤬 😡 🤬 Dios nos perdone!!!!
I feel sick! For me worship of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament is like being present with Him on Calvary. How can anyone dance around the Cross on Calvary - certainly not His beloved Mother. And yes it is the crucified/ressurected Christ we worship but the ressurected Christ is so awsome that one can only fall on one's knees before Him. I just don't get this video! - Blessings - Rene
1 Maccabees. Chapter #8 verses
God Willing, Rome will send troops to put down this rebellion.
O my God Rome lost the faith. my Great Aunt was roman-catholic , but this is a nightmare..
The last good roman-catholic Pope was Pius XII
This is the reason why I'm seriously considering going Tridentine!!!
Peace my friend!
O! I really liked and enjoyed this! Thank you! Why not dance before Our Lord the King who is worthy of all our praise, music, song and dance!
I didn't understand your comment! Haven't you read what King David did infront of the Presence of God when he brought the Ark of the Covenment in Jerusalem? He danced in his underwear but his love and reverance towards the Lord was so pure …More
Peace my friend!

O! I really liked and enjoyed this! Thank you! Why not dance before Our Lord the King who is worthy of all our praise, music, song and dance!

I didn't understand your comment! Haven't you read what King David did infront of the Presence of God when he brought the Ark of the Covenment in Jerusalem? He danced in his underwear but his love and reverance towards the Lord was so pure and sincere that the Lord liked it! When one of David's wives was disgusted with David's behaviour, she was punished by the Lord and remained childless:

"As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she despised him in her heart." (see 1 Samuel 6)

The song they are singing is Hebrew?! It is Psalm 135. Psalms are both Hebrew and Catholic, aren't they? 😌

God bless you and thank you again. I encourage you to keep posting such material. 😉
