Jim Ferguson - Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers. "these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the …More
Jim Ferguson - Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers. "these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown" The Black
Exclusive Breaking: The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers. "these are UN Soldiers and they will be deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when they announce the next Pandemic Lockdown" The Black https://twitter.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1789317957488685195/video/1
Maria delos Angeles
You heard what Charles said in his speech at COP28? We may be needing a bit of military intervention to usher in the ol' New Order.. nothing like a bit of military intervention to enforce ones will on the peasants
Roberto 55
Don't you know famous Jim Ferguson? Me either... 😂, but he must be somebody who knows... and maybe he is right.
Jeffrey Ade
This is troubling but not unexpected. Our Lady of Fatima, warned us in 1917 that we would be hard pressed by the agents of satan in the form of the errors of Russia. This is it, and it is not pretty but it will end well. Our Lady said Her Immaculate Heart will triumph! We need to fulfill Our Lady's request for the five First Saturdays, and pray our Rosary! We can do this! Our Lady of Fatima, pray …More
This is troubling but not unexpected. Our Lady of Fatima, warned us in 1917 that we would be hard pressed by the agents of satan in the form of the errors of Russia. This is it, and it is not pretty but it will end well. Our Lady said Her Immaculate Heart will triumph! We need to fulfill Our Lady's request for the five First Saturdays, and pray our Rosary! We can do this! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, and save us!
Maria delos Angeles
We need to make sure they dont shut down the Mass so we can access Holy Communion in order to do First Saturdays etc
Dr Bobus
Who is Jim Ferguson?
Maria delos Angeles
Former Parliamentary candidate with The Brexit Party Barnsley. Businessman entrepreneur. Founder of Freedom Train Internationa, according to Twitter handle.