
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Coming from someone brilliant who not only had excellent grades in school her whole life, had many talents, is beautiful and had a bright future ahead of herself. I was also smart enough to know that no matter how clever the excuse was or how widly accepted the excuse also could have been, the moment i engaged in intercourse, regardless of how much protection i would use, i was at risk every time …More
Coming from someone brilliant who not only had excellent grades in school her whole life, had many talents, is beautiful and had a bright future ahead of herself. I was also smart enough to know that no matter how clever the excuse was or how widly accepted the excuse also could have been, the moment i engaged in intercourse, regardless of how much protection i would use, i was at risk every time of creating life and therefore any excuse for abortion would remain an excuse. I also knew i would never commit murder and that is exactly what i knew I would be doing regardless of how good my excuse was. I wont call it a reason because there is no reason to kill the innocent. Wether its a single cell or a grown person outside of the womb the person is innocent!!! There are excuses however! Now in every other case where the pregnancy is unvoluntary, i will not without a doubt deny the fact that giving birth to a baby that reminds you of what happened is hard but just like you were a victim the baby is even a bigger victim! Because nomatter what brought it here or how it was brought here those are our wordly problems!!!!, the baby is clueless, is alive and absolutely deserves to continue to live!!!! Just like you or I!! Think about this why make a horrible situation worse by commiting murder on top of it all?! Even more guilt and shame to add to your life! Now everyone could say everything is easier said thn done. But guess what? I have been there i had everything to lose!! And honestly can say that i was devastated at the news of an unfavorable preganancy mainly because i knew my life would with no doubt FOREVER be different. Coming from a snoddy selfish booksmart girl who knew exactly what she wanted for her future and was most likely going to have it ifshe didnt pursue this pregnancy! But guess what i always knew i was more than all of these superficial things! That i wanted to be more than a "Successful" beautiful woman who achieved it all by means of the easy way out which is abortion. Because those murderers who have the nerve to say an abortion is not easy it is the hardest thing they have ever done are a bunch of narcissist phonies who think they deserve pity even after what they did who in reality should admit they're cowards and the hardest thing they could have done is what they chose not to do! I am and will forever be proud that even if im not a man i had the balls to let go of my selfish dreams and have my baby!! Who is now not only beautiful, a genius who is on top of her class, makes me crack up because she is hilarious, but who is my best friend regardless of how she came about. I am proud that i am strong enough of a person through god that i see much farther than wordly success and physical beauty. Because guess what both can be easily lost at any time! In a car crash that deforms you or leaves you handicapped and what then? Physical beauty disintegrates with age success can be obtained with many children or none!!! All up to you! I am without a doubt more successful as a result of my choices and the fact that i valued the choice my baby had as an individual to live and am certain that i would not be an ounce of a person that i am today if i had not done what i did. No matter what, everyone who enters this world, as small as a sperm and egg that have just become one or as big as a baby that was just born, deserves a choice to live. Remember the baby wanted or unwanted carries your genes. It could look just like you when it grows up if given the chance, it could love you like no one may ever love you in your life. Its easy when its that small to brush under the rug but just imagine what you could have had if you would have just been brave!