Val Tujetsch. Gloria.tvDaplü
Val Tujetsch.
Holy Cannoli
Very beautiful
This photo must have been taken during the summer. In the winter are the streets plowed or do the residents have to wait until the snow thaws before they can get out of their houses?
Are there telephones and television? 😲
Do you have wells for your water or is it piped in from some other place?
Please forgive all my questions but I am genuinely interested.
Very beautiful


This photo must have been taken during the summer. In the winter are the streets plowed or do the residents have to wait until the snow thaws before they can get out of their houses?

Are there telephones and television? 😲

Do you have wells for your water or is it piped in from some other place?


Please forgive all my questions but I am genuinely interested.


A pleasant good morning, Ladies.

Schön Doina, das ist meine Heimat.
👏 👏 👏