The Mystery of the Nun with the Suitcase (Video)

Lorenza Patricia Ramírez Barrera, 80, who dresses like a nun, has been arrested by the Chilean police after she was caught on security camera and identified as the person who left a large suitcase in the middle of Talavera Street in Santiago de Chile in the early hours of last Monday.

At 7.12am, a collector on an electric tricycle picked up the suitcase. But when he noticed the smell of decomposition coming from inside, he decided to leave it a few metres away.

Later, at around 10:06, another unidentified person arrived at the scene, manipulated the suitcase, then took out a big plastic bag that was inside, left it there and finally left.

It was not until 12:34 that the caretaker of the building in front of the suitcase realised that there was a body in the bag.

The suitcase contained the remains of Erica Alejandra Fernández Mora, who died of cancer in April 2023 at the age of 58.

Lorenza Patricia told the police that the two of them had been living in community as consecrated lay people since 2008 and that they had a "pact of silence": if one of them died, the other would take care of her until the end of her days, even if that meant living with the body.

So Lorenza kept Erica's remains in the suitcase in her basement.

The "pact of silence" came to an end in April this year when Lorenza's daughter arrived at the house in Calle Los Jardines to look after her. Although Lorenza is no longer completely lucid, she decided to remove the corps from her house. She was caught on the security camera and arrested.

The headline in the habitually lying oligarchic media went around the world: 'Nun leaves nun's corpse on the street'.

However, the Archdiocese of Santiago said that neither of the two women was listed in the country's register of religious orders.


P. O'B
Today's Church is so weird, this is hardly newsworthy.
Obviously NOT CATHOLIC - Catholics, and other Christians, bury their dead. It's a corporal work of mercy and shows belief in the resurrection of the body. Only some death cult would keep a corpse around. They liars in the media know this, but use the outrageous incident to smear actual believers of Christ.
Since this month's Magnificat has stories of incorrupt saints, I must qualify that the holy practice of venerating the relics of the saints is certainly NOT a "death cult" Instead it shows in a miraculous way the honor God intends for our resurrected bodies.