Das Ave Maria von Fatima. Maestro Toni Bottinelli spielt auf der Orgel der Baselgia parochiala von Sedrun, Surselva, Schweiz. 23. Mai 2008More
Das Ave Maria von Fatima.
Maestro Toni Bottinelli spielt auf der Orgel der Baselgia parochiala von Sedrun, Surselva, Schweiz.
23. Mai 2008
lindo isso esta musica ... ☕
Anto Med
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PRECIOSO.....Gracias 👏
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Maria Dudzikova
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On Guard
The sun is shining and it is a beautiful Spring Day. The streets and the fields of Fatima are filled with cars and busses, tents and vans, motor homes and vespas.
Our Lady is greeted in ALL LANGUAGES and on bended knee. Many are walking the "penitential walk" on their knees, some with babies in their arms.
Youth groups are marching and singing songs in various languages. After the outdoor Mass …More
The sun is shining and it is a beautiful Spring Day. The streets and the fields of Fatima are filled with cars and busses, tents and vans, motor homes and vespas.
Our Lady is greeted in ALL LANGUAGES and on bended knee. Many are walking the "penitential walk" on their knees, some with babies in their arms.
Youth groups are marching and singing songs in various languages. After the outdoor Mass picnics are held behind, inside of and inside of cars and busses..Best food ever!!
Our prayer, for those who live here, is that each of these pilgrims return to their homes and parishes taking Our Lady with them. Pray the Rosary DAILY.
Without Our Lady's help we are not going to reach the "top of the mountain" that we are climbing. Fatima wishes you a Happy and Prayerful May 13th.
Bravo, bravissimo: A happy feast-day. May Our Lady of Fatima protect us and guide us through the storms.
Finde ich wirklich toll. 👏 👏 👏
Vor allem weil ich das gut kenne und wann immer ich in Fatima war gesungen habe. Schade das es nicht oft gespielt wird,
🤬 😡
aber villeicht ist es auch nur bei uns so. 😲More
Finde ich wirklich toll. 👏 👏 👏

Vor allem weil ich das gut kenne und wann immer ich in Fatima war gesungen habe. Schade das es nicht oft gespielt wird,
🤬 😡
aber villeicht ist es auch nur bei uns so. 😲
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Sehr schön, Toni. Dein Musiktalent ist einzigartig!
Sehr schön gespielt - herzlichen Dank 🤗
Genau so stelle ich mir Orgelmusik in einem Gottesdienst vor! Schön, nicht kitschig, harmonisch, abwechslungsreich in den Registern... 👌 👏 😉 😀
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Ave Maria von Fatima.
Das zentrale Wallfahrtslied von FatimaMore
Ave Maria von Fatima.

Das zentrale Wallfahrtslied von Fatima