Blessed Joachim Piccolomini

Blessed Joachim PiccolominiAlso known as

  • Gioacchino Piccolomini
  • Joachim of Siena



Born to the Sienese nobility. A pious youth, noted for a devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and for giving all he had to the poor. Servite lay-brother at age 14. Spiritual student of Saint Philip Benizi. Urged by his brothers to study for the priesthood, Joachim felt he was not worthy, and aspired no higher than to be an altar server. He became so well known for his sanctity that he requested the Servites transfer him to Arezzo to escape devotees. The move caused such a stir of complaints in Siena that he was ordered to return.






Additional Information


Blessed Joachim Piccolomini, celebrated for his tender devotion to Mary, contracted, from childhood, the habit of visiting thrice daily an image of our Lady of Dolours; and on Saturday he totally abstained from food. He was accustomed to rise at midnight to meditate on her sorrows. The Blessed Virgin knew how to reward him; appearing to him while yet young, she bade him enter the Order of her servants, which injunction he obeyed. Towards the close of his life she showed him two crowns – one of rubies, in recompense for his life-long compassion for her griefs; the other of pearls, in reward of the purity he had consecrated under her patronage. Lastly, she appeared to him at death. The Blessed Joachim then begged the favour of dying on the same day as our Lord. “Prepare, then,” Mary said to him, “for tomorrow, Friday, you shall have your wish, and die suddenly; tomorrow you shall be with me in Paradise.” In effect, the next day, as the Passion according to Saint John was being sung in the Church, when they came to the words – “There stood by the Cross of Jesus His Mother,” Joachim fainted away; and at this other passage – “And bowing His Head, He gave up the ghost,” he breathed his last, and the church was filled with great light and a very sweet perfume. – from The Month of May Consecrated to the Glory of the Mother of God, The Queen of Heaven

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Joachim Piccolomini“. CatholicSaints.Info. 15 April 2024. Web. 16 May 2024. <>